Tubs of old Jeeps are full of holes, they all reek of exhaust. They are also constantly needing rust care (fairly common to replace entire tub and/or frame). I’m shocked they found enough solid material in that CJ to mount motor!
Word. Lifehacker has turned to shit.
Yellow kills it for me...almost any other color, and I’d be on the fence
Dang, not seeing the option on Project Fi Moto x4... Should have bought the Amazon one.
I owned an 87 Pulsar NX SE in the early 90s. This experience results in today’s CP vote.
This law in theory is good; HOWEVER, Oklahoma roads SUCK. And the rightmost lane is usually the most worn and hence rough travel.
Hopefully next article will be “How to Stop Seeing Lame Lifehacker Articles on Your Kinja Feed”. Seriously, does anyone else remember when Lifehacker was actually posting truly informative and worthwhile information?
Based on historical trends, this article offers extremely poor advice for investors. Alas, it’s become a trend here on LifeHacker...
Incorrect - you may be surprised, but I found them on Amazon for <$3. I went ahead and replaced for my car. eBay is also good source.
Thanks for the article. I now know I can safely skip anything you write, as it will be full of misinformation. You know nothing of the people from this area, and it’s disgusting how you are trying to portray these heroes. Men & women who’ve taken time away from their family and jobs, using their own assets and…
300 mi for me. I know that’s not as crazy far as the stories in this post, but too far to go to find out seller is full of crap... In this case, the “mint-condition” low-mileage Lexus had the photos strategically taken to hide the amateur bodywork (example -front lip crack was STAPLED together, had obvious past front…
I have a 99 Expy with 180K miles, and have no intentions on getting rid of it soon (there’s a lot of life left in it). I am somewhat surprised to not see the Lexus LS on the list. There are many with 500K+, and we all know of the 900K LS that Tavarish took cross-country. I suppose too many are low-mileage garage…
Wouldn’t it be greater if scientists, and basically the rest of the world just started using US mixture (not weird UK stuff like “stone”) of Imperial & Metric? Maybe we could even coin it as “Mertric”?
It’s $1.1mil USD, but even that, you are correct it’s just not enough anymore...
A lightly used (per budget) base model Lexus LS430/460 will meet many of the requirements (sans cloth seats)