
“While the tweet is not explicitly transphobic...”

Go fuck yourself.

Can’t believe they just murdered Matt Damon like that!

Thank you for not reproducing, I’m comforted to know that your fuckstick genetics will die with you!

People need to drink more because they have to put up with dipshits like you constantly.

Maybe you should just shut the fuck up then?

“Awwwwww boooo hooo, poor widdle hollywood actor has to actually work to make his millions, waaaaaaaaaaa” - what I just read there.

Shit man, that is DEEEEEEP.

Chronicle was good also it marked the last time that I didn’t find Dane DeHaan to be insufferable.

Actually get to use it all the time after the World Juniors...

Not gonna star this so it stays at 69.

Amazed they figured out something more offensive than “Chelsea Dagger”.

Fuck off. There should be TVs EVERYWHERE.

Professional athletes have to train their entire lives to play real sports. I doubt “e-sports” pros do the same.

Yea remember, io9 had a hate-boner for that show from the start, so no one could possibly like it.

$2300 on a TV? $1000 on a phone? Is it fun spending Mommy and Daddy’s money?

I’d murder a bitch to get a Drizzt show.

The 2nd biggest plus for WOW is that all their flight attendants are smoking hot.

Whoa, look at Mr. Rockefeller here, $300-$400 is no big deal.

True, but consider it was Food and Wine Festival...which quadruples your drinking potential.