
NEP is an affiliate of NEE - NEE has a major ownership stake and effectively controls NEP, even though NEP is a separate publicly traded company.  The nuances and reasons behind this go beyond the scope of this comments section. 

This is an impressive word salad you’ve got going on here.

I will tell you what happened. From Bugalaga airstrip you should have plotted a 126 degrees course to the mine, east-south-east.

Dear Will, if you took a second to try and review the *game* Microsoft Flight Simulator instead of the concept of cloud and games as a service, maybe you would have done the tutorial, which would have taught you to fly VFR (which incidentally is the only form of navigation actually included in the tutorial).

To be fair, it did start out as a bat virus.

All along, Batman’s greatest weakness was his cowl covering the wrong parts of his face.

There’s nothing normal about that guy, please, just don’t strike up a conversation with him, you’ll regret it.

Nick the wacked out dragon lived in the swamp
And acted in a cocaine fog in a town called Gutter Stomp

Honestly though. It would be weird if Cage just played a normal dude.

Sinbad? That’s a world away from what I expected.

I think maybe we should stop making these people famous by watching them play video games on the internet and just play them ourselves.

Wish I had taken your advice before I clicked this article...

Some people need to spend less time on the internet. 

Eh Biden is creepy, his accusations from 1 person are suspect. Her weird Putin praise tweet makes me question her motivations.

Is it the same Amazon from these articles?

Is it the same Amazon from these articles?

Now playing

Every time BSG is mentioned, I find a clip of the Adama Maneuver to watch. Because it is cool.

America has always had the four day work week. You just work 10 hours a day instead of 8.

Whenever discussions come around about 4 day work weeks, or 30 hour work weeks or whatever, nobody ever stops to frame what the f*** ‘work’ even means anymore. Nobody wants to take a long, hard look at what that construct has become. Because the honest truth about the modern world is that most work is effectively

“Sounds enticing, but that is an expensive burden...”