
It was the Food and wine festival though, so the number of drink possibilities increases about 4-fold.

Did you try to have sex on Spaceship Earth????

Dude, I work for a power company in the south. Peak time is typically 4-5pm in August: kids are home from school so residential use is up; businesses are still running. Your AC use doesn’t dictate what the electric system is going to do.

Oh yea well I’m 6'9" and 420 lbs of pure muscle. I’ve had a wise Asian man train me for years in use of various weapons. I’m also flexible enough to suck my own dick.

io9 either anoints a show as the greatest thing ever, or develops a hate-boner for it before ever watching a single episode.

You need upper body strength to fight back, so good luck with that.

I Kane’t possibly think of who that young superstar would be.

If you’ve got such a hard-on for bull-fighting, why aren’t you out doing it right now, you pussy?

Fuck him, and fuck you too.

I saw it last night and I’m still rock hard. Should I call that 1-800 number?

Large penis is always acceptable.

Hard to have any sympathy for a team with both Corey Perry and Ryan Kesler on it’s roster.

Looks like he’s braced himself for his upcoming stardom.

.....I’ll be in my bunk.

Criminally underpaid? Firefighters get paid to sleep. Anytime their contract negotiation is up, all they have to do is scream “9/11!!!1" and they get a raise.

LOLOLOLOL like teachers get paid enough to save.

Go fuck yourself and die, you whiny little bitch.

I want to say it’s a little easier if you’re poor in Canada, but all the equipment costs a ton.

Enjoy jerking off to the thought of kids with cancer having no insurance, dickweed.

Yes, society failed him so much that he was paid millions of dollars to play football. Fuck right off.