
You’ve never heard of day-drinking? I pity your sad, pathetic life.

You’ve just been hired as Warner Bros’ new CEO, congratulations.

$50 for shorts? fuck off.

$50 for shorts? fuck off.

Man, if only you had a dedicated weather blog to cover these things.

This is the rare Kinja thread that is full of correct opinions.

Trendacosta can’t actually write for shit, so the only tool on her belt is manufactured outrage.

Do you have to physically exert yourself to be this stupid?

Pack it up everybody, this guy won the internet for the day.

HA! -- undead

If I wanted to watch a bunch of incontinent seniors on ice, I’d watch Grumpy Old Men again.

Gotta get those clickable posts for their new Latino Overlords!

Maybe you’re grasping for straws for a fucking story?


It’s high if you’re a little bitch.

No it’s definitely bad.

She’s just mad she didn’t medal in ANY equestrian events in Rio.

That’s annoying for sure, but I can’t understand how Floridians bitch so much about snowbirds but our economy basically depends on them.

Unfrosted? Fuck off.

I live in Florida, so no.

I’m genuinely moved by that sweet ass. Not too shabby for a white girl.