
Hey man, Gawker’s gotta pay the Hulk somehow.

I’m gonna go use 3 K-cups right now just to piss you off, you fuckstained cuntwaffle.

Haven’t you heard? You’re supposed to spend 10 minutes every morning grinding artisanal, locally sourced beans and french pressing them. Which I suppose you could do if you blogged for a living and didn’t have an actual job to get to.

That’s way too much fucking effort in the morning for someone who, you know, has to get to a fucking job.

If we’re gonna shit over all unions in this country, could we at least include police officer unions in that dumping? A giant consortium of man-babies whose main negotiation tactic is crying “9/11!!!” over and over again.

Yea, fuck them for getting exercise!

Was that guy OK, or was he......Finnished?

I feel like Samer should be disqualified from writing for a, you know, SPORTS website.

Yes, and 2/4 of those people (Viola Davis and Will Smith) are probably the biggest names in the cast, what’s your fucking point?

Oh, boo fucking hoo. He only earned $101 million instead of $126 million, waaaaaaaaaa.

I heard it won an Academy Award...for best picture, of all time.

Maybe you should quit being such a little bitch.

If only there was some kind of INTER connected NETwork of computers where tits were free for viewing 24 hours a day..

Man, so this really puts a dent into the value of elven chain mail, huh?

Gawker could save some money hiring you instead of the wankfest writers they have.

Maybe if Budweiser hired some more female brewmasters their beer wouldn’t taste like donkey urine that’s been marinating in Gerard Depardieu’s skinfolds for three days.

No entry for strip clubs?

Murfreesboro, TN has “Great” culture and Miami, FL has “Average” culture???????

Or a light straw color if he’s been drinking a lot of water.

Why bother mainstreaming them, seems like they act like an effective applier of Darwin’s laws as-is.