
Unfortunately you can’t spot-reduce fat. Only solution would be to lose even more fat, which might be incredibly difficult to impossible.

Came for this, did not leave empty-handed.

This is trolling, right?

The Hound literally pissed on the LSH theory when he met with Beric.

Now I know that snail jizz smells good, thanks!

io9 is too busy reposting videos from Sploid and telling us why everything is horrible and racist to thoughtfully recap shows.

Man your life must suck.

That’s a cool bit of hyperbole, huh?

This article is soooooooooooo fucking stupid.

Sage advice, I”m regretting my 2x250GB configuration as we speak.

Because most of their top players outside of Kessel are incredibly hateable, not to mention their obnoxious bandwagon fans.

That’s because people in HR are pretty worthless so they need to use as many buzzwords as possible to feel useful.

You realize that there was a dingus who works for the same company you do that wrote a shitty spoilerific article saying some one should’ve died in Civil War, right?

Dude should’ve held his mother in contempt for drinking while he was in-utero.

Oh man, I’m crazy about magic, hot for action, ready for romance, AND wild about winning, how have I NOT seen this movie?????!?!???

Yea I cried like a little bitch when Flint died. And it wasn’t even in battle!


I wanna melt this Kinja and inject directly into my veins.

Yes, playing Ultimate Frisbee is totally analogous to a pro athlete training.

Or you know, just quit being a little bitch and deal with it.