
Damn, dropping the bomb on Tarek and Christina!

This is pretty damn accurate.


“It almost seemed as though ghosts aren’t just caught, but straight-up destroyed.”

Clearly this is targeted towards bloggers with too much time on their hands, because a Keurig is the only thing I have time for in the morning.

I legitimately want to see this now, as opposed to before when I just wanted to see it to spite Katherine Trendacosta.

HIIT burns about 9x the fat of standard cardio:

11. Don’t mark all of your e-mails as “High Importance”. Actually, don’t mark ANY of your e-mails as “High Importance”. You know what a high importance e-mail is called? A PHONE CALL.

You sound like a cunt.

$100 a month for lawn service?????? You’re getting boned.

It’s almost as if major financial decisions are very dependent on individual circumstances and blanket rules don’t apply to them...

Man if only there were companies that did lawn work and landscaping for you...

Wrong, best phone interview I ever had I conducted in my underwear.

That’s ok, it’s not like you’re in charge or anything...

Yup. I guess there’s no more actual good writers left at io9.

Congratulations to Charlie on getting off this sinking ship before Hulkamania sets in.

I can confirm this fact. It may be better just because it isn’t as dark and hopeless as their other games.

Judging by that dialogue, sounds like a possibility.

“BOO-YAH! Emphasis on the boo”

Would you prefer that scene went down (pun!) as it did in the books? Because it was much, much worse