HIIT burns about 9x the fat of standard cardio:
HIIT burns about 9x the fat of standard cardio:
11. Don’t mark all of your e-mails as “High Importance”. Actually, don’t mark ANY of your e-mails as “High Importance”. You know what a high importance e-mail is called? A PHONE CALL.
You sound like a cunt.
$100 a month for lawn service?????? You’re getting boned.
It’s almost as if major financial decisions are very dependent on individual circumstances and blanket rules don’t apply to them...
Man if only there were companies that did lawn work and landscaping for you...
Wrong, best phone interview I ever had I conducted in my underwear.
Man let’s hope Hannah is in the first round of Hulkster-related job cuts @ Gawker Inc.
So you were a bitch and got rewarded for it? Congratulations.
Fuck yea, the harpsichord is my JAM
You guys should’ve passed these tips on to Jon Snow.
Well, it wouldn’t be the internet without butthurt Christians.
You should try jizz for sleep instead, always works for me.
Wow, you’re really adding some insightful commentary here.
Incorrect, there are many forms of stupid questions, including the ones the original poster asked.
Are we getting 500 Days of Jay Cutler?
If you really wanted to troll Jezebel commentators, you could’ve just written, “Idris Elba will never sleep with you because you’re fat and own too many cats.”
Jabronis is spelled with an “i”
Hopefully U.S. Soccer pays up before Hope Solo beats their asses.
I’m not buying this until you can change the name to, “Fuckface”.