
Obi-Wan Kenobi’s Original Story was So Grim, It Got Rewritten

It should be bleak to at least start out. Obi-wan saw absolutely everything he’d ever known turned completely upside down and destroyed. Even with Qui-gon (who was a bit more jaded or at least realistic) as his master, he was all in on the Jedi ideal and he saw just how off-base that was. The Jedi code’s inflexibility

It isn’t just TV money. The IOC is corrupt as hell. You can’t get them out of those jobs without a subpoena. Local politicians clean up giving out contracts and collecting bribes and kick backs on them. Sochi spent $50B and Rio $20B.  Those are just the official figures.  There is s till a lot of money involved and

Really? What a bunch of absolute snowflakes. This is the hill they want to die on? Getting vaccinated.


Death: “Hmm... back again, I see, Mr. Kent... How long will you be staying this time?”

Just to make it even more like NFTs issue them a certificate that they definitely purchased an authenticate kick to the balls. They can then sell that certificate to another buyer. 

Anyone who’s interested in investing in NFTs, I offer you this time-saving option:

There’s a certain mindset among some people that they live in an 80's crime movie where roving gangs and criminals battle it out under orange skies full of pollution and the only thing that can keep the world safe is one (white) man with a gun who plays by his own rules and isn’t soft on crime.

Not only is this ageist and borderline offensive, I don’t even think is all that accurate.

All of this to me seems to be someone who is convinced that being youth is intrinsically better than age, and that everyone who is old somehow wants to hide it and appear young.

Or anywhere near a professional office environment.

All of this sounds like someone who doesnt work in an office.  No one gives a shit about any of these things.  No one is laughing at the Olds for saying Presentation instead of Slide Deck.

Have to agree with Frank. Disney has never understood the Muppets. But they also don’t care that they don’t understand the Muppets. It has and always will be another “nostalgia” IP to be soullessly mined and focus-grouped into the ground for them.

Making an enjoyable version of The Muppet Show isn’t rocket science.

“...if any other Ancestry users copied or saved your content, then Ancestry still holds those rights until these other users delete your documents, too.”

A tiny helicopter might help, but it’d also just kick up more dust.

I told myself that I wasn’t going to comment for a while, but this brother deserves some words. What a beautiful and tragic story. I’m sorry that he’s gone but glad it was natural causes. I really hope that it was painless and that those interactions truly changed his short life. It’s sucks that there’s less light

That’s... kinda psycho. I’ve been insanely strict this whole time - my family lives locally, and I didn’t even see them in person for Thanksgiving or Christmas. What was the point of that if I’m not going to enjoy some eased restrictions now that I’m fully vaxxed? I mean, I’ll keep wearing my mask in stores and

If someone lives in a place with less than 70% of people fully vaccinated, or is still reporting more than 500 new cases per day, it really isn’t the time to stop wearing masks.