
It’s pretty damn obvious tech companies are trying to make artistic/creative labor in general obsolete through the increasing popularity of AI tools(obviously pushed by them). AI tools may be flawed right now, but people are overlooking the true intent here.

Ah, amazing! Thanks so much! I didn’t think I’d see this again. I genuinely love this image.

I just don’t get how a website exists only for artists, fucks artists over then wonders why the artists got mad? YOU HAD ONE JOB, LOOK AFTER THE ARTISTS!

Jesus christ, this is the easiest thing in the world to not fuck up and it feels like every company is hell-bent on making the worst possible decisions in any given moment.

The great thing about Andor is that you could change the setting to WW2 Europe, change Galactic Empire to the Nazis and the Rebels to the French Resistance and you’d still basically have the same story. The Star Wars stuff is just set dressing. In a way it’s a lot closer to what George Lucas did with the original Star

Ok, this totally has that old MAD Magazine charm.

Thanks for doing this, and for including my artwork! This was one of the most fun jobs I’ve EVER had. If anyone wants to follow me, i’m on Instagram: @gideonkendall

I think whomever they get will be doomed to failure as WB Disco would want immediate results whereas this is something that you need a long lead time (at least 3-5 yrs of getting the right people and setting the direction before you even start pre production) not to mention then seeing box office results and still be

I guess “Kiwifarms as Russian state media” makes a certain kind of sense.

The big problem with the DC movies is that they draw, or used to draw, too heavily on things like The Dark Knight Returns and The Killing Joke. Those are revisionist stories; they’re not beginnings, but endings, ironic retrospectives, deconstructions. Even Watchmen, which isn’t a DC story — or at least, it didn’t used

I don’t think they’re jealous of the MCU as an achievement in worldbuilding or whatever, but I do think they’re envious of the fact that Marvel can release a movie like Thor: Love & Thunder to mixed reviews and still see it earn around $675 million. I figure that Zaslav looks at the DC franchise and thinks there’s no

I think a reboot of the DCEU is inevitable and probably closer than we think, but nothing makes me confident that the people involved actually understands what multiverses are or how they work.

Warner Bros is only concerned with "the hits" of the comics. They just want to get to the stuff people know that they don't care about doing any of the actual work that was done in the comics to make those event series' popular. They want to start at The Dark Knight Rises or The Killing Joke or Flashpoint, without

Any effort by comics companies to make their characters or continuities more “movie”-able is bound to be short-lived, if not doomed to outright failure. The New 52 is a textbook example.

The New 52 connection is 100% one of the problems.

That’s kind of where the MCU is right now. I’ve heard a lot of people complain that the Phase IV movies and shows are not as intricately bound up as the ones in Phases I-III, but is that necessarily a bad thing? When I started reading Marvel as a kid in the early ‘80s, the big annual company crossovers weren’t a thing

Johns has experience in writing and producing TV, but that makes him more of a Jeph Loeb type. Feige went to USC and has a degree in film production.

Yeah, Feige is more analogous to ‘30s producers like David Selznick or Irving Thalberg than an auteur. His goal is to facilitate the creative and business connections that will result in movies getting made, finding the best possible cast and director for each project, rather than imposing a distinct style or

The thing WB (and many others) often forget about Kevin Feigue is that: he’s not a director. He is not an artist. He’s a producer.

My personal fantasy DC cinematic universe is one where there’s no “plan.”* They’re not building up to anything. There isn’t an overarching villain threatening the entire multiverse. That’s the MCU’s schtick and they’re better at it.