
Realism versus rising gameplay tension — it’s a ratio too many still get wrong.

I think it might be time for a new benchmark. Doom is a classic, but its a pretty low hurdle for devices these days. I wonder what could take its place as a more challenging proof of technical capacity...? ;)

To borrow from another franchise: “It’s dead, Jim.”

As a designer and gamer, I’ve relied on lit keyboards as a practical solution for years, using this feature not only make the overall device easier to see, but also to highlight individual keys and groups of mapped keys for function. Thismonitor keyboardseems to be a useless gimmick that just makes it harder to

Hero? I want a Baron Zemo Christmas (featuring the return of Armin Zola as Santa’s Helper)! ;D

Not exactly a new thought. It was already a popular twist when I was kid in the 1980s: Bambo: This Hunting Season, The Deer are Hunting You!

With all due respect to Mr.Pegg’s accurate impression of the SW fandom, it is clear that the has not yet had the (mis)fortune to encounter the dark, twisted depths of otaku culture. May he never have to.

The posts don’t need to be unique, just spew the crap that certain users want to hear and will readily spread as “fact”, and the more that offer the same lies, the better: exploiting confirmation bias. It’s feeding the digital rumor mill and there are plenty of gossipy idiots more than willing to blithely play along.

Cue the collapse of banking in Texas — the Republicans won’t see it coming, even if it is visible from space to everyone else.

Realistically speaking, one should expect Twitter to succumb to the usual pattern for social media acquisitions: an exodus of the core active user base, followed by utter devaluation of the service both in the public consciousness and financially, leading to massive buyer’s regret by the schmuck who thought that they

Speaking as a “creative”:  no, I don’t see any practical use for this.

Excessively frequent, arbitrary update demands have been the bane of developers distributing software through third parties for some time, and it is not as though the end users are often any happier about it than the programmers. Greed drives the game, as always.

As the number of celebrities, who have established themselves as, shall we say, less than intellectual, jump on the crypto bandwagon, versus the more informed, educated, and intelligent sorts who avoid it, the more obvious its true character as a massive pyramid scheme becomes.

“Less is more”, indeed.

Hands down, this has to be one of the most boring, least enticing “teasers” I have seen in a while. It tries so hard to be “profound” and fails so utterly.

The thought that crosses my mind:  will this be “successful” enough by Warner and Hollywood metrics to get the sequels it clearly set up and deserves? Or will, as per the sad DCU norm at this point, this promising take on Batman end up superseded by another reboot because some executives panic if/when it doesn’t

“Life-threatening”? As a Midwesterner, I can attest that this is simply deemed “January cold” and normal seasonal weather. Homes and businesses have robust heating systems and thick insulation, and only fools go out lacking appropriate attire — standard winter practice for generations. If this weather manages to

Come now — it can be two things. ;D

William Castle would be so proud.

Sentient or sapient? One sees these terms carelessly thrown about as though they are interchangeable. There are a great many creatures on this planet that are basically sentient, to the extent that possessing such self-awareness is really nothing too remarkable, scientifically speaking — but the latter is a whole