With all due respect to Mr.Pegg’s accurate impression of the SW fandom, it is clear that the has not yet had the (mis)fortune to encounter the dark, twisted depths of otaku culture. May he never have to.
Excessively frequent, arbitrary update demands have been the bane of developers distributing software through third parties for some time, and it is not as though the end users are often any happier about it than the programmers. Greed drives the game, as always.
Come now — it can be two things. ;D
Unions are like any human organization: as corruptible as the people who comprise it — and if money and power are in the offing, even more so.
Not only is this incident repugnant, it is also a bit baffling in light of the simple fact that these things get outed every time and it never goes well for the perpetrators involved, be they individuals or institutions. The utter lack of any sort of situational awareness of the times by America’s racists is…
Let’s be completely honest: the “American dream” was an established empty promise even when the show premiered, and that was part of the joke — a sardonic, biting satire lampooning the way America was desperately blowing on the last embers of post-war optimism that the Reagan era had briefly rekindled.
I would rather Trump survive this bout so that he can be duly prosecuted for his many crimes against America and humanity. I take this stance as a matter of principle. That said, if he and entire upper echelons of the GOP should cease to exist in two weeks or less because of their outrageous hubris, after suffering…
Ah, Duolingo...
I was always a bit annoyed that they don’t feature more prominently throughout, and I never got to see a swarm of the little guys taking down a Hell Knight or two — at least until I cobbled together a basic custom map and staged it up myself. They are truly devastating in numbers.
Scary stuff, but the AHA cautions that the study only points to observational connections between diet drinks and these outcomes, not a causal relationship.
I wonder if China’s latest censorship spree has anything to do this move, given how desperate many a content provider has become to secure that huge advertising market. The irony here being, of course, that the result of Tumblr’s decisions will almost assuredly be very little surviving content to keep users and drive…
I have the first edition, myself, and recommend this tome for anyone with a deep love of the technical and production design of the original trilogy — but a word of warning: it is an archive of various blueprint illustrations, often incomplete and rather sketchy in detail, so don’t expect this to be a comprehensive…
I have the first edition, myself, and recommend this tome for anyone with a deep love of the technical and…
I would think Frosty more of a snow golem. But that “old top hat” — clearly a cursed item with an entrapped souls, yup.
John McCain was one of the very last hold-overs from the Old School Republicans, and thus, in comparison to what supplanted that respectable instituion, is automatically elevated to a higher standing than his reckless successors.
Much as I enjoyed the article, I have to nitpick about one little detail: the distinctive Rocketeer soundtrack is by James Horner, not Howard Shore. Sadly, like the film itself, the delightful thing has become rather obscure.
Sadly so. Of course, one could argue that the latest SW films do not exist to innovate, just regurgitate — for easy profit.
He might almost be good enough to survive an proper Unreal Tournament match. Maybe. ;)
America will endure. Even in this face of this.
The civilized states would join in an instant, I expect, though that tact does tend to lead to civil war — but then, any firm action to preserve some modicum of progressive decency in the face of this travesty does seem to do that, at the moment...