
I’m not exaggerating— probably 80% of the business case studies I studied in business school were about just this sort of short- sighted thinking where an executive decided to take safety and/or quality shortcuts to save a couple of bucks and it bit them in the rear. This is, literally, Business 101.


Uhh is this a complaint?

Alex. The Threadripper series is for a very specific group of people. I do rendering work with blender. I perform CFD calculations. I work with AI algorithms. I develop software. A 64 core TR3 with all those PCIe 4.0 lanes and a couple x16 nVidia Quadro RTX or Radeon Pro cards and a few NVMe x4 disks is exactly what

Servers, especially those running multiple VMs, can make use of the extra cores. Even video production is likely overkill. I believe you’ll benefit more from extra RAM for video.

If they absolutely must have a Bat themed franchise, give us a Batman Beyond movie.

Dark and Gritty take on Condiment King or riot!

Nothing is better than seeing a black woman look a white racist thug in the fucking eye and then proceeding to smash the shit out of it with her fist.

Sushi doesn’t go with crackers.

You know what they say. Charity begins with a right-cross.

and selflessly opened a can of whoop-ass and even put it in his mouth for him.

“This is basically indistinguishable to a phishing attack,”

I agree with your stance here.

However, the tournament rules were established in such a way that wobbling was out, but Puffing was in.

If an Ice Climbers main knows their wobble tactic is out, they either need to come prepared to play around it, or not enter in the first place.

The “honorable” course of action here

“YOU HAVE NO HONOR,” says the guy invading another person’s world to steal their humanity.

Right, but the winning is still the primary motivation, as it’s what keeps competitors in the rotation and allows them to advance in their chosen career track.

When a basketball team deliberately runs out the clock during a close game on a final possession, it’s obnoxious as hell—but it’s also within the bounds of the

It’s stuff like this that prevents me from entering a competitive environment in any game.

I have, for many years, maintained the truism that fighting with honor creates only a moral obligation to lose. If you cannot sort a route around your opponent’s tactics, that’s on you.  So long as the play was within established

I keep telling people this. If automation could do the job, it would already BE doing the job.

At this point, the only question is whether they’re apocalyptically stupid and genuinely think that if they ditch the “undesirable” 90% of their userbase then new people will simply flow in to replace them (presumably attracted by the total lack of content or people)...

I get where they’re coming from both in wanting to critique the idea of an idealistic utopia and from a writer’s perspective wanting to create challenges and conflict, but I still kinda don’t like it. I have pages worth of thoughts and strong opinions about the “Hard men making hard choices” trope, but in the end I jus

See also, “You know of the rebellion against the Empire?”