
After reviewing the clip to confirm a vague impression from the first look — doesn’t this attempt at Ed seem perhaps a little bit too old for the characterization? A younger kid might be able to get away with that level of impishness and still be nominally delightful, but what we have seems just... obnoxious for the a

Seriously, any claim on the concept of “rationality” by the GOP has been completely negated in recent years — it’s sadly humorous how the party still thinks it has a reputation for stolid reasoning versus the “bleeding hearts”. They really don’t comprehend what they have become or how how the world sees them, do they?

BUZZ...BUZZZ...GRIND....GRIND...<tiny voice>“”

Whereas one can see the logical basis for Mr.Cook’s concerns, given that one leak has a tendency to beget others, and “secrecy” has long a tech industry competitive watchword, it is also rather plain to see how, in the present climate, an attempt to quash the problem too punitively may simply encourage more ingenious,

Court-ordered malpractice — the Right is depraved and keeps find new ways to demonstrate it.

Unions are like any human organization: as corruptible as the people who comprise it — and if money and power are in the offing, even more so.

As long as there are idiots who can’t do the basic math and think that it is somehow “cheaper” over time to take the subscription route versus up front purchase, this unethical business model will continue. It takes advantage of a combination of ignorance and desire for instant gratification — classic “deal with the

It seems to follow the same broken logic as invasive, unwanted advertising in general, that weird notion that if the user can be forced, tricked, or otherwise coerced to see an ad they have actively worked to block, that same user will somehow be favorably disposed to what the ad offers. The “home invasion” model of

I think we all know that “space tourism” is solely about massive, short-term profits with barely an ounce of thought given to long term space exploration goals or sustainability. It’s a purely capitalistic pursuit driven by the world’s current supreme capitalists.

Trilogy” — right. More likley a single, somewhat disappointing, movie, then nothing, as per Hollywood norm.

How Marvel answers the DCU’s constant reboots — with a multiverse bang, naturally. ;D

Not only is this incident repugnant, it is also a bit baffling in light of the simple fact that these things get outed every time and it never goes well for the perpetrators involved, be they individuals or institutions. The utter lack of any sort of situational awareness of the times by America’s racists is

What Gypsy said. EVIL!

That title, though, invokes a feeling of self-contradiction on the order of ‘The Lone Rangers”. This isn’t to say that cannot work in context, of course. ;3

Let’s be completely honest: the “American dream” was an established empty promise even when the show premiered, and that was part of the joke — a sardonic, biting satire lampooning the way America was desperately blowing on the last embers of post-war optimism that the Reagan era had briefly rekindled.

My eyes are rolling so fast, that if I had a third one, I’d be a slot machine. ;D

Far too young. I had the fortuitous chance to meet him several times — he used to frequent the local, big sci-fi con with his grandchildren — and frankly did not initially connect him to his famous character since he was just this lovely gentleman attending, not a guest. I discovered the truth when he cheerfully

Talk about killing the mood with unnecessary opening and closing voiceovers. :/

I would rather Trump survive this bout so that he can be duly prosecuted for his many crimes against America and humanity. I take this stance as a matter of principle. That said, if he and entire upper echelons of the GOP should cease to exist in two weeks or less because of their outrageous hubris, after suffering

Bruce has a thing for cats of all kinds... ;)