Dude Where's My Car

Pretty sure 49er fans do that willingly.

Tom is still trying to figure out how he can relate this to racism.

Tom! Tom! He - hey Tom! Check out how liberal I am! Check it out! I am LITERALLY portraying the story of a woman helping out some strangers as "racial profiling" because the woman was white and the strangers were black! THAT is how I show how socially aware I am! I defy ANYONE to be more liberal that me right now!

My teacher taught me that every time a deadspin writer snarks, a hipster gets their handlebar mustache.

Tom is obviously jealous that Tuohy did more for black people in 30 seconds than he's done his whole life, despite making it his life's work to fight racism.

For fuck's sake, Tom. Isn't there anything BIG GAWKER can't turn into an "Occupy Some Damn Thing Or Another"? We get it - all white folks are awful to non-white folks, regardless of what they're actually doing.

This once again confirms my theory. Tom Ley is the LVP of deadspin. Too many terrible "articles" like this one. He doesn't know what he's doing.

So let me get this straight. This lady sees two teens in her store, finds out they're raising money for school and gives them money for their school? Yeah, what a bitch.

"These two were literally huddled over in a corner table nose to nose." Sounds like Tom Ley and Kevin Draper everyday in the Deadspin Cafeteria.........scheming on how to suck the joy out of life.

The liberalism on this site sometimes is too much.

I'm honestly going to only come back to this site to read the Funbag if this shit continues.

I think the story that Tom Ley is telling is that Tom Ley is a pretentious dickhead.

Can't believe you got paid to write this POS post.

Jesus Christ, she was being fucking nice. Her asshole friend assumed they were doing something wrong, when really they were just trying to go do something fun and couldn't afford it. She assumed that there was more to the story than them being "up to no good," went and asked - a novel concept, I know - and was right.

Honestly not seeing what the problem is.. a little ham-fisted, yes? Well meaning? Yes... Help me out here I'm an East-Indian living in Alberta, maybe I lack perspective?

Haters gonna hate. My god you are a sensitive little one, aren't you?

What the fuck are you talking about. She was telling her friend NOT to profile then did a kind thing. The Gawker-ization (pussification) of Deadspin is ruining the site. It used to be funny and irreverent. Off to barstool for what I used to get here.

I liked her better as Sandra Bullock

I am one county off from watching the Giants vs. Redskins. REJOICE!