
It seems to me that Rhaenyra is learning new and exciting (terrifying) things about power, and what it really is. She’s a quick learner and a quick thinker.

Do you think Lewison will ever finish that definitive trilogy that is their collective biography? 

His version sounds way more interesting. Yesterday was super duper conventional.

But what was most disappointing to me is there was not a single episode this season that achieved the emotional weight as in Season 2's Akane No Mai, the brilliant hour drama set in Shogun World, or a better example, the astoundingly beautiful Kiksuya, based on a Native American Indian character, Akecheta (stunningly

They were definitely traveling at the speed of plot 

To me the linear timeline since Westworld’s collapse was totally off to the point of distraction. It opened with the guy reading about what appeared to be the ongoing investigation in to what was a relatively recent collapse of the park. So how did Delores get to the position she held where she is a world traveler

I will not say no to more Marshawn Lynch.

Between this and Game of Thrones, HBO should finally realize that shorter, rushed through, and over-hyped seasons don’t make for good TV. Back to ten episodes or more next season with better character development.

It looks like a Dreamworks Movie that snuck into the Pixar Studio. 

Whenever somebody brings up the lightsaber battles other than the ones in the OT I head the other way. There’s something wonderful in the ones in the original series, especially Star Wars, in their sparseness. The ones in every other single movie or series are too frentic and over the top.

There’s something natural about grouping the movies together, since that’s ostensibly how the stories flow and also how they were released. But it has the weird side-effect of presenting the Return of the Jedi (which is not a very good movie) as much, much better than Attack of the Clones or the Force Awaken (which

Rogue One is the only Star Wars movie made after the OT worth watching more than once.

We can keep Rogue One. That was great and works well within the confines of what was already established.

I love this movie so much. Frank Langella steals every scene he’s in.

Aw I loved Dave.  But people wouldn't totally see through it. It would be too much a personality change. 

Every news site that picks up a Splinter contributor is better for it. I loved you, Splinter, and the Internet is a worse place without you.

While I certainly appreciate this post and I’m genuinely glad that the Splinter staff got to do a proper farewell post, the fact that it’s coming weeks after G/O Media and Jim Spanfellatio unceremoniously suffocated the site with a pillow, followed by decapitating their marquee site is just the goddamn perfect turd on

Thank you all and thank you for this. After Splinter was killed by idiot assholes, I never removed the icon from my fave sites and would periodically click on it, mostly as a sad little visit to the site that, before its untimely demise, I’d check OVER A DOZEN TIMES A DAY and miss so very much. I did today and found

Splinter scratched an itch. Vox is pretty good. NYT and the WP are .. fine ... I guess.

I don’t know how this got posted, but I appreciate it.