
It’s also causes some of the reverse: anyone who said, say, that the first Wonder Woman movie had a underwhelming bog-standard ending that diminished the good that came before it was suddenly being told they were fighting, ignoring or undermining a sociopolitical fight that they absolutely hadn’t intended.

Muddying the

If there were currently a Japanese post that depicted a Bratz doll gleefully marching a Chinese family to their deaths, you’d have a point, but there isn’t.

Restraint is a sign of maturity. Like, you could have simply not posted your immature superior contempt. But you did.

If I were asked to have an opinion on this:

Indeed, the success of many shows like this is in showing that the rich are just as miserable and screwed up as the rest of us. There’s a catharsis in seeing the humanity, the weakness in the powerful.

Up to a limit. Credit to Izzo up there: a scene where someone gets hit up for $100,000 and she HAS it, and the wealth

“Because Who Gives A Shit"? That's the tagline for the show!

Extremely important unimportant point: isn’t Sweet Tooth the name of the VAN, not the man, whose name is Needles?

Boy, I really hope someone got fired for that blunder. And by “that blunder”, I mean, “thinking this series was a good idea”.

Man, sucks that it’s a private company now, because I would be HELLA shorting right now.

Definitely sucking it in. He’s going full Hasslehoff.

To be specific, 87% of the members of SAG/AFTRA do not make that minimum wage to be eligible for health care. That’s about 150,000 people making poverty wages or, at best, working multiple jobs.

I absolutely agree with this from the business perspective you’re discussing. Regardless of the validity of player complaints, they should have been expected. Right now this is reeking of “don’t you guys have phones?” flopsweat from folks who shouldn’t have been surprised. Even if most of the patch notes really only

It was Blizzard’s most successful non-subscription game (or next most successful depending on how you count Reaper of Souls and Overwatch’s paid features) before Diablo 4.

Diablo 4 is now their most successful game period.

Online contempt by a vocal (and often childishly petulant) minority does not translate to fun had

It wasn’t about defied expectations, per se, but hopes snatched away, lol:

Ah, come on now. I do. And I don’t think he had contempt for fans. I think he had contempt for the film itself, as well as Marvel and their requirements for him. Which, from an abstract artistic perspective, and from an I-like-Sam-Raimi perspective, is fine.

Putting aside the fact that “I bought an IP to limit access to it” is a perniciously disgusting corporate tactic that needs to stop being normalized, everyone seems to forget a huge part of the bad side of monopolies: labor getting fucked. This is gonna mean less people in the industry now doing more work for less

Consolidation and vertical intergration in food processing and related logistics over the past few decades is a pretty huge part of a lot of those pandemic-era bottlenecks and labor abuses that made us Americans get all shocked-Pikachu-meme a few years back. Turns out that if the four, count em, four companies with

Or, simply been better written and edited and shown a little less contempt for the character that was compressed into nothing more than a vehicle for a “Haha, you liked a thing, fuck you” moment. Two things can be bad about a movie, lol.

Also, please note I attempted to edit the above several times before the 15 minute time limit passed, and that’s what we ended up with, so there may be changes if you came here immediately after the first notification.

No matter our disagreements, we can at least agree that Kinja sucks. Worse than Vietnam.

I think that stating that Gen Z is suffering these uniquely and then stating that as fact without giving evidence that A) they are monolithically suffering it as an entire generation internationally, in the West, or even just in North America or B) that they are doing so uniquely, is circular reasoning: they are sad

You started this conversation with “Millennials are emotional basket cases”, and presented arguments that are fundamentally intended, with or without support, to undermine the reasonability of anything they say. That has nothing to do with the content of their complaints, but that their fundamentally culturally