

Oh Christ, that's bad.

Men cannot be objectified because they are the dominate sex.

Don't remember Turok? Dinosaurs are extinct for a reason.

At least we know this comment was the root of the problem.

I don't know about the rest of you but I'm willing to risk my life and my loved ones for my freedom. If that means we're trapped in a 9/11 scenario, then so be it.

Oh Noes, Toby! And CERN will destroy the earth with black holes, AMIRITE?!

Is this a cloud trying to get in on the "Women eating salads" meme?

Well, with the way the Chinese have been hacking things, I'd say those backdoors already exist.

But, they while they didn't invent smartwatches, and they may not have announced anything, they've already innovated the market and made people want smartwatches, right? Right?

Your cellphone?

No, I meant I was being judgmental. Sorry for the confusion!

Rarely do I feel a need to be so judgemental, but I agree. He's a hypocrite who simply wanted his money back.

A lot of hate and stupidity over these Glasses. It's pretty remarkable these bitter people haven't blown their brains out because life is so passé and trite.

No, you're not the only one. But I bet you're in the minority. :)

Your phone number isn't personal? Mind if I have it?

Oh good, I'm not alone. Season 1 was "whoa! What's up with the color purple in almost every scene?" Season 2 was "Why is this shit on my DVR?"

The smart watch exists before Apple announced anything.. so they too are just following the trend. :)

A part of me is paranoid about providing Microsoft with extra information because if some joker manages to socially engineer a phone tech in giving up my goods, then they'll know even more information about me and can use that to further hack other accounts.

A little off topic, but somewhat appropriate. I have an older Yamaha htr-5730 that keeps going into protection mode, effectively shutting itself off after a few seconds of being on.