They could become Comcast - with added features? Cuz' seriously, Comcast.
They could become Comcast - with added features? Cuz' seriously, Comcast.
It's the "Now, I would like to hear a logical argument of why you hate Flash. Please - entertain me" part we're interested in. kthxbye
Didn't Sony already say they'll maybe kinda-sorta possibly allow second hand games? Even that vague non-answer puts the PS4 ahead of the 720 in my book and I'm a huge 360 fan. 90% of all of my gaming is done on an Xbox 360. And while I do buy all my games first hand, I've played games my friend's bought to see if I…
Sarcastica Bold, you say? I think it's Comic Sans younger sister. /thumbsup
Why not, exactly?
First comment was spam. Game over, Gizmodo. Game over.
Ugh, Podbusters on Mythbusters is the worst. I really don't care what car you like to drive, Tory. Though Kari can sell me anything, sadly.
Let me clarify, they are ads for other Angry Birds products. Like a bunch of them. It is not ads for random crap.
Thanks for the heads up. I don't use LightFlow for Gmail notifications, but if I did, this would be informative.
You must be one of those who fail miserably at your job, then. Hopefully you don't work in healthcare or a related HIPAA field. I'd hate my information to be in your hands.
We call America prude for its obsession with regulating sex and covering children's eyes to avoid it, yet we also feel at odds when something "sexy" gets killed. I don't feel if the enemy was a vaguely female golem-esque beast (with breasts) and died in the same fashion would this article have been written.
There are other reasons to hate Angry Birds. My God, the ads, the ADS! I thought I spent money on it to avoid the spam, but no.
If my TV is in your house and you don't shut and lock the door after someone told you repeatedly that it is wide open, and my TV gets stolen, yes. You go to jail for gross incompetence.
And yet the billions spent isn't actually doing any good when anybody can walk through the front door and leave with information. That's the industry at fault, not Weev's.
AT&T has more clout than a 16 year old.
It doesn't help AT&T (or big companies in general) frequently ignore "help" that is offered freely. And the second they are forced to fix their security, that's when someone deserves to go to jail. When actually the individuals who deserve jailtime are those who are inept at the security in the first place. If the CTO…
Both Gawker media and Kinja want access to the account's full profile.
I'm not passing judgement on anyone's opinion. We're entitled to them regardless if others like them or not.
Not all teenagers do "shit" either.
I just wish I knew why Kinja needs more access to my 0Auth account than 0.1 (or whatever) does now.