
Talk about eating out. /bad

It's been around for a long time. It has totally tainted my ability to read/see anything Hello Kitty related without thinking dirty thoughts.

I like the US Sherlock and watched in in parallel to the UK's show and they're both good. I honestly can't wait for more episodes of both.


No way! I refuse to believe!

I assume Gawker Media wants to cash in on revenue that these 'personal blogs' will bring in.. Since everyone with an account can create their own kinja blog.

Yes, you can. Self-loathing for your race can be racism, feeling that other race(s) are superior to your own. Also colloquially known as white guilt.

Check out jalopnik.

Just thinking the same thing.

This article is timely, considering the changes coming thanks to kinja's update.

Can't they leave anything alone for a minute? Denton is like a child discovering his penis for the first time. Stop playing with it!


Discrimination isn't a one way street.. but you'd think anyone who has been on the receiving end of it would know better than to do it to others. Sadly, human nature doesn't always rise above the base instincts.

You can be racist against your own, chief. /staythirsty

But does it have vertical based widgets?

It isn't racist if you're talking about white guys. /duh

That too.

5 deaths out of the millions who use a product doesn't concern me at all. Call it callous, but I agree.

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Does it have a vertical widget layout? That's my main intrest. The website for Nooly gives off a lovely 500 internal server error (okay, it finally let me in a second ago). The screenshots in the Play store do not show anything widget related. And boy, is it getting abysmal ratings in the Play store.