
It isn't a mile-wide hole in my security.

You certainly don't have an axe to grind, right, Mr. Anti-Googler? /laugh

P.S. You're obviously not reading any of the other comments, either.

So, are you an Apple or Android fan? Because you smell kind of like an Apple fan yet you're in an Android article talking badly about how it's security is pretty embarassing. It kind of negates your entire comment about Apple people staying out of Android articles.

It has a few names.. such as mob mentality. Thanks to the internet geographical distance isn't as relevant as it used to be.

Don't you love the irony? Democrats are supposed to be on whole more educated than their counterparts and yet, when you see things like this, you realize.. they're exactly the same.

Thanks to progress in the medical field, they'll always live among us. Survival of the fittest is no longer relevant.

Just goes to show.. a lot of people who are against firearm ownership aren't trying to stop violence. They'd happily "skull fuck" you simply because you disagreed with their stance on firearms. Or they'll suggest you go kill yourself with your own gun.

"Humanity". There, fixed it for ya.

I at least wanted to see it. Heh. That was pretty quick.

Aww, the page is down.

Yeah, if the US banned all firearms the drug cartels would stop getting guns. They'd just put them down, say "We Surrender", and give up drug trafficking. Or, most likely, they would they get their guns from somewhere else.

Well, if you love Mass Effect then check it out.

Unions were necessary when federal oversight was piss-poor. Before minimum wage and during child labor. But eventually the hero that were unions got greedy and become unecessary in the modern economy. Your union does you little good if your company is forced to close its doors because they couldn't come to terms on

May I suggest something like Mass Effect 3? I was shocked by how robust the multiplayer section is. And it's four player co-op versus AI, so "less" trouble from the other humans playing along side you. It is refreshing. Borderlands 2 is similar.. (if your game works.. grumble grumble). I've stayed away from

Steam is a wonderful option. My only problems with multiplayer on PC is the ability to cheat is greater than the locked consoles. Not that people don't exploit those, either. Just less prone to it.

That's understandable. I assume you did something about it and moved to another service that wasn't nickling and diming you, correct?

Haha! I know! I use Steam, as well. The PS3 and the Wii (not WiiU), as well! I know what each offers and utilizies the appropriate service!

I love me some Key Lime Pie.. and it'll be sweet on my GNex, as well.. (come on, Cyanogen)