
Senators are a bigger problem than video games. There, I said it. Are you happy now?

I has a sad. :(

I completely flubbed that up. 4.2.2 is possibly being released soon. I meant 4.2 -> 4.2.1. That's what I get for multitasking. Sorry for getting your hopes up, prematurely!

That's what I'm thinking for myself. I'm hard on rings.

I'm using CyanogenMod 10.1 and loving the changes that JB 4.2.2 brought to my device from 4.2.1. Such as the Chronus clock, (seen here on a tablet). Profile switching if you're into that, as well. And just other things you're not getting from 4.2.1.

Your friends are idiots because they prefer Xbox Live over PSN? Remarkable.

Food courts in malls around America will be sued into submission for stealing designs from Apple. The company made a statement today saying, "all your rectangles are belong to us".

If the cemetery has any of my relatives, I can't exactly say it is still stupid free. Waka waka waka!

Read Arbiet's comment.. then mine. Read his/her's again, then read mine. AND FOR A THIRD TIME, READ THEIR COMMENT AND THEN MINE.

This could also be caused by people who still buy ring tones, using texting services (whether they are aware of it or not), running over their minutes/texting plans..

That's a tad bit schizophrenic since you just replied to someone else:

Great, more gun debate. Personally, I feel we should ban humans. That would solve the problem. Because where you have humans, you'll always have stupid.

Just read the url, okay?

I consider Fifty Shades to be lady porn. I'm not naive to think there isn't a guy out there who hasn't read it. But, just speaking from personal experience working in a woman dominated office, romance novels are Okay. Hustler/Playperson is not. They coo about whatever "novel" they're reading and pass them around

Ah, Facebook.. you're starting to sound more like AOL every day.

What I've learned of feminism is that it means different things to different women.

When did you bank start charging you for using your debit card as a debit transaction (as opposed to a credit one)?