
Then this article is another way to try and get your company to update. If you can convince them that there could be a negative financial impact due to using vulnerable internet browers, hopefully that works in getting updates!

I found this like in '02 after browsing the nets for AMP styled music videos. Someone had put together a block of music they had recorded via their VCR at the time and this video was in the middle of that block. It was a bad copy but it got me searching for it like mad and when I found it, bliss was had.

I'm podcast naive as I'm usually busy listening to music. However, the one thing I appreciated in the now-defunct Google Listen, was the ability to browse podcasts from the app itself.

Tip: Using "Fandroids" equates to trollface.jpg

We need one article that stays what Tasker cannot do. It'll be a small reference article.

Why aren't you using IE9 or even 10? IE8 was released in 2009. You aren't using FF or Chrome from 2009, are you?

Actually, I'm non-both those things. Designated driver and what not.

For me, it does.

Three cheers for "I'm not answering that damn phone!"

I work with a very competent staff and we always have someone on-site.

Ironically, IT Admin.

Yes, they're referring to a fictional character.

I'm amazed by this. I'm definitely not an A type person. I don't have these problems. It sounds so foreign and, sadly, ridiculous to let these things take over your life to the point they become the problem.

It hasn't had a spirit in a long time. Remember, the "Red Scare" continues to this day. If that isn't some spineless fear of the boogeyman, nothing is.


Sounds like a type A personality, "if you can't give me all the information up front I have no interest in a dialog where I have to figure anything out".

I'm a quick responder. As soon as I know there is a text, I reply. My S/O is such a slow responder that it actually has caused stress in the relationship. So I know when I text her to have Lower Expectations and give it a couple of hours.. ugh.

I find it fascinating. We hire a person who is upper class to watch out for the middle class and we're all surprised when we find out his/her position doesn't align with ours...

I clicked on it because that's what I thought the article was about, by the title. /heh