
Our future:

Ugh, children. Now I understand the old adage children should be seen, not heard. Fucking ingrates. And these ... people... are our future if they're not already in corporate America at this point.

Amazingly, it fits right in with a lot of Giz opinionated reporting.

I'm siding with you. Of course others are going to hate, though. They've embraced "social media" and admitting it's stupid would cause them to lose face. Too much ego and pride for the younger internet generation to give up. Youthful obliviousness.

I recommend Pandora, for the recently initated.


I find that interesting. You act as if our military is all-powerful yet we can't completely eradicate the Taliban or Al-qaeda? They're using outdated cold-war weaponry and home made explosives and they've still managed to completely screw up our attempts at exterminating them or their idealogy.

I'm sure you can share with Mexico? Texas is still a sore spot, supposedly.

Perhaps there is a connection...? Australia is trying to kill them off?

I said a ban on guns, I didn't say just assault weapons. Because honestly, look around. There is more 'BAN ALL THE GUNS' rhetoric here than just assault weapons. More of a "screw the 2nd Amendment" vibe. There is no sensible middle ground, no compromise.

Rhett and Link 2016, booyah Kyle!

Oh, that made be giggle as well. Thank you!

We banned alcohol. That didn't work out. Speakeasys and mobsters became the norm.

Why get heroin? We can make Meth in Wal-Mart's bathrooms.

War on Guns!! Sounds about as useful as a war on drugs.

Canada does have its sights on taking over America and it'll do it after those goofy Americans disarm themselves. Brillant!

Sedated Bears? Pfft.. probably were bears on LSD.

Does anyone else giggle at the sight of Andy (the Android) on an iPhone?

Shh, you're going to ruin the point.

"Hey, it isn't the gun's fault!... It's.. it's.. uh.. them damn video games! YEAH, THAT'S IT!"