
If you want strength of taste, add more tea. Don't let it steep longer, though. It'll just be more bitter that way.

Ever play a round of Gossip on the telephone? Now just imagine that centuries of "Gossip" and how quickly the original messages of old got told wrong and then twisted by manipulative individuals who had the power to re-write history?

People also believed in Paganism way before your "book" came along.. Sun Gods, Ocean Gods, Gods of the Dead and the Underworld.

IE10 (as does IE9) has Tracking Protection Lists.. Have you tried them?

"Dubstep, it takes no skill!" says the layman who hasn't produced or marketed anything of worth.

Indeed, fuck these smug assholes. I wouldn't call them trolls, that suggests an intelligent purpose behind their comments. You give them too much credit.

Worth it!

You allow spiders to live in your home.. I'm sorry, but I think castration is needed for more than just this guy.

Well, I'm sorry sir but that hand must now be cut off for you cannot wash the spider off of it.

If Assange is a hero you better be praising Anonymous and all of their wonderful endeavors. If you don't, you're a hypocrite.

He's a media whoring narcassist. Don't cannonize him as a hero, regardless of what you feel about Wikileaks.

I really don't have the facts in front of me. Got a source I can check out?

Who made the maker? Whose behind the curtain that controls the man behind the curtain? And then who controls the man behind the curtain who controls the man behind the curtain? Your logic fails more than evolution because you have to stop at "Um, some entity in space created.. uh, space".

Evolution may have more holes than Swiss cheese but your "Creator" isn't even there, yet you'll champion such cause while ridiculing an argument that has more substance and proof. The best you have in regards to "god" is that someone said it was so a long time ago, which honestly amounts to heresay.

Yes, but now if I want to comment on an app I need one. That's one step closer than it should be.

Agreed. I would definitely have been more swayed by the comment if it had stopped there.

This is terrible but I hope it encourages the population to stop fucking sexting. I'm always amazed at how stupid people are in regards to Facebook, Twitter, and all of the other "social platforms".

And I'm not arguing or agreeing with it. I'm just saying I was feeling what you had to say, nodding in understanding, and then suckerpunched at the end.

A somewhat reasonable comment totally ruined at the end. Credibility? Poof.

I feel naked.