I agree. This is a major deal breaker. Enough that it makes Chrome a peculiar choice to recommend its syncing options notwithstanding.
I agree. This is a major deal breaker. Enough that it makes Chrome a peculiar choice to recommend its syncing options notwithstanding.
Upcoming release of Airmail (1.4) will support rules. Not affiliated or particularly interested in the feature myself, just saying.
Who cares?
I have been looking forward to the Notes.app for jotting down quick notes for myself to be readily available on the iPhone or iPad (because sometimes Evernote is just overkill). However, I use a gmail-account for all things iCloud, but I am forced to use a @me.com account to sync notes - and notes ONLY.. You can add…
Most of the software in these bundles that are actually worth owning are also worth the full price. I paid full price for both Parellels and Textsoap from this bundle and I would happily do so again - they're indeed worth it (I don't own Clarify yet). If you're not ready to pay full price, it's probably not software…
Yes, Clarify is an excellent piece of software. But if you're a Windows user, you should not be jealous since it is available for that platform as well: http://www.clarify-it.com/download
And how do I go about finding the comments I wrote previously? I like to read them again every now and then just because they were so brilliant.
You should not have your hands in your pockets when speaking publicly in the first place. I don't think it'll improve your eloquence, but it will help you stop looking stupid.
This is especially useful if you followed Lifehacker's ill adviced "How to clog a drain with ground coffee" from a few years back.
I agree, Crashplan is horrible beyond belief. I am puzzled it continues to get so much praise from Lifehacker.
Just say no to CrashPlan. It sucks. There is a far superior alternative.*
I voted for Pomodoro since it's the one approach that's been the most productivity increasing to me. Probably because it focuses on doing stuff - just focusing on categorising tasks and pushing todos around on lists has no effect on my productivity. Far from it.
It's also recommendable to do searches on the internet regarding the purchase you're considering. Maybe there's a support forum or the like in which potential deal breakers (or deal cealers) lurk. This would not have been obvious from reading the manuals alone.
If the photo makes it to the Photo Stream (usually takes a couple of moments) it is not possible to manually delete it even if you delete it from the Camera Roll. It will only be deleted if you delete it immediately after taking the photo, that is, before it's picked up by the Photo Stream.
They already have. It's called Magic Mouse. Of course, you need to enable two-button click from System Preferences. Oh, and Magic Mouse does scrolling too.
I have been given notice that I will have to look around for somewhere else to live in the near future. And I've already started thinking about what I want to keep and what to throw out. And as I go trough things... wow, I can't believe I have all this crap!
I recently switched out Google Calendar for iCal with iCloud. Some of the tasks I used to use Google Docs for, I now often use Evernote or Dropbox. Still commited to Google for search, RSS, mail and maps.
If I want to follow up on an e-mail or need to be able to reference it quickly later, I BCC it to my Evernote-account and then make sure I add the created note to the proper notebook or tag, so it's readily available in its right context.