Peter Guldager Dahl

While there is a lot of room for improvement (Movies included in photostream, ability to view photostream online, forced syncing and making iWork useful) I like it and for the most part think it's an improvement over the solutions I had in place before.


Or you could just mix and match. I'll stick with Gmail and Docs, but probably transition my calendars to iCloud. There's a few gotchas I haven't figured yet, though... syncing with Address Book and calendars on an Android device being the critical ones.

I've always done something similar, except I use salt instead. Somehow, I never have baking soda lying around...

Different backup solutions do different things. I personally use both Time Machine, CarbonCopyCloner (for a local bootable backup) and Backblaze for online backup (which in my opinion is far smoother than Crashplah and also slightly cheaper if memory serves me right).

I only use three of those. To mention a few that are mission critical to me: TextExpander, TextSoap, BetterTouchTool, Pomodoro and - of course - Evernote.

It really depends on where I am going. Mostly, just my Android phone. If there's a risk of boredom at the destination, I'll also bring my iPod shuffle or my iPad.

I carry a bulky old school bottle opener in my key chain. I hardly ever use it, since everything seems to be with screw caps or in cans nowadays, but I don't have to reach into my pocket to check if I have my keys when I leave the house...

Hactar, my Mac mini

I've found out that a great way to stay on budget is only bringing cash into the store. That way I am forced to only spend what I have. With a debet card it's a little too easy to say "On the amount, please" and very difficult to bother doing the maths before you're at the register.

I do use custom profiles. The point is that the second monitor would not take *any* calibration. At least not as far as I could figure out.

So, I jailbroke my iPad 1 because it was so easy. What do I do next?

Aurora and a playlist of mixed classic rock.

Vote: Gregorian

I feel your pain. The Android version of Evernote is sub par. I frequently have syncing issues too.

I have to agree with Whitson and wicked - it's not nice when the butler hovers behind you and snaps the book you're using from the table the instant you lay it down just to make a quick note or look in another book. But it is cool when he cleans up after you, when you're done with all of your books, papers and notes.

I use Hazel too. And it's brilliant. Although, I usually don't keep it running, rather I ask it to trigger either of my rules when it's convenient. I can't live with automation; well, at least not for the desktop. But it is a neat way to clean up when I am done working with the files on it.


That is exactly how Opera Turbo works. On at all times, off at all times or automatic mode. There's also a setting that'll make Opera Turbo warn you when it detects a slow connection.