we get it, you want to be different by showing a foreign language clip. please stop, it’s annoying and the novelty wore off a long time ago.
we get it, you want to be different by showing a foreign language clip. please stop, it’s annoying and the novelty wore off a long time ago.
To be fair, this is one of the worlds most historic rivalries..
The “Idahoes”?
Self-serving nonsense from a liar and a cheat. Brady’s statements should be treated with the same derision as Goodell’s. Goodell is not a tyrant for attempting to police on-field misconduct. That’s basically the only kind of misconduct he can properly investigate and punish.
So Go Set a Watchman, the second book about the main characters from the 1960 novel To Kill a Mockingbird, comes out…
Submitting any sort of tip to Jezebel is a sure way to get it cut off.
I really don't know how to respond to this
Is it just me or is she not that great of a pornstar? Terrible looking boob job and sub par skills. I feel like people are into her because they get to watch a middle eastern woman fuck. Or maybe it’s just her social media presence.
They are not trying to take the spotlight; they are sponsors of the event, helping to pay for it. Nike, Coke and others will be there too. This happens in all sports parades. As far as sponsorships go, it kind of makes sense for MLS and NWSL teams to help pay for this to happen.
I'd rather watch Abby Wambach scissor Caitlin Jenner than watch a whole season of MLS.
How the fuck do you still have a job? You’re not even good at trolling. Go fuck off to Bleacher Report already.
Needs more carebears caring around.
23 Girls, One Cup
Having lived here, my theory is that basketball is seen by potential owners as not white enough to appeal to this city, and that’s probably a spot-on analysis. A lot of yinzers tend to be terrified of anything with even the slightest suggestion of pigment, and any neighborhood that isn’t white (there is no such thing…
They’d obviously become the StarBucks.