
Yeah but that’s pretty much the ugliest 3 series bmw ever made.

Now playing

Randy Pobst dominated for a while driving a touring class Volvo.

I’m not poor or black and I’ve been threatened by the police while breaking no laws on a public street. Some bully cops just want to be bullys. If nobody’s looking they’ll bully whoever the fuck they want regardless of color.

Preach it brother! Can you imagine a McDonalds that didn’t have semi literate high school drop outs both taking your orders and preparing your food? I can and it would be amazing. The under educated fast food workers screaming for wage increases would do well to be mindful that we are pretty much right at the tipping

I would love rejuvenating an old 220 and I know for a fact they are as solid and reliable as a trusty old hammer.

I wish I could give this more stars. I made my grammar nazi girlfriend read it.

Did you replace yours before or after it failed? Big difference cost wise.

Nice trolling. 10/10

Freddy has very soft, supple buttocks. You’ll have to forgive him.

Damn Freddy. I never knew you were such a softy. Seats make you go OWEEE! Poor little fella! Maybe you should stick to luxury touring cars bruh.


Jason if you’re still alive and want your mind blown think about this, Pep Boys is just a small part of the massive O’Reilly’s auto parts dynasty. You have no idea who you’re messing with. Is it just coincidence their stock is named “ORLY”? Yes, really.

I never knew that song was about Pep Boys.

Street Cred. LMAO

Is it just me or does it look like they were launching into a strong headwind?

Put it in a 1700 lb Lotus 7.

This is good Torchloponik.

COTD here!

That’s depressing as fuck.