Yes, that, or some super attention thirsty bozo like Rob Dahm buys them and annoys the fuck out of people with his shitty videos that somehow find their way onto Jalopnik.
Yes, that, or some super attention thirsty bozo like Rob Dahm buys them and annoys the fuck out of people with his shitty videos that somehow find their way onto Jalopnik.
You mad bro? All turbos lag when you stomp it while it isn’t spooled, even fancy VNT turbos will have a less sudden throttle response than a N/A engine. Don’t let it ruin your day just because he’s right.
Nobody in their right mind ever lusted for a C4 Corvette. With very few exceptions those things were dogshit. They’re also a dime a dozen so I can’t imagine anyone seeing ownership of one of these turds as an investment.
Your friend is a fucking coward and needs a swift kick to his tiny balls. I don’t give a fuck. If I see that shit and I can in any way stop it or at least draw attention to it you can bet your sweet ass I’m going to. How does he live with himself?
They have nothing to lose. They don’t care.
Well just look at him. There goes that argument. He’s obviously in otherwise tip top shape thanks to video games and cheeze-its.
I had a room mate at college who worked in a rapid oil change place. He and all of his coworkers were tools and scammers. They would routinely drain out the wrong fluids and not replace them or replace them with used or god knows what. After hearing his stories I will never take any vehicle of mine there.
There’s better places to spend that money son.
You think building from a kit is difficult try building a proper locost Lotus 7 replica.
When will we begin seeing some sweet Caterham showrooms opening up?
I’ll allow it.
Haha, who doesn’t?!
It’s also faster than Toyota’s only “sports-ish” car the FRS so there’s that. Does that quicken your pulse?
“or that he had no idea what the question was and just decided to go with some sort of free-form jazz riff on the topic of “anything nuclear.”
This is why I skipped on the fancy painted fenders on my Wrangler. Also... Dat articulation.
Well done Stef. I very much enjoyed the harsh but fair tone of this article.
5th Gear: More Coming On Car Cyber Security
So American taxpayers are giving GM 3.7 billion dollars in subsidies to create jobs in China?
The fact that GM is raking in 3.7 Billion dollars in American Government subsidies and using that money to import Chinese competition just seems wrong. Do we taxpayers give them those billions to create jobs for the good people of China?