I enjoyed this more than I should.
I enjoyed this more than I should.
This whole “binders full of women” thing is a new low for the Republican Party.
You zeroed in on the exact thing I saw-how does one vote with “integrity and independence” when ignoring one’s own constituents to vote in lockstep with national party leadership?
Using his logic, Target has stolen tens of thousands of dollars from me over the year. They have NEVER bought anything from me! There’s yuge trade deficit with Target! Now, I’ve put on a 25% tariff from everything I buy from Target. That’ll show me!
Does anyone really think that Bolsonaro is really going to allocate the proper resources to fight this?
To co-opt a Bette Davis quote: “Mother always said to speak good of the dead. David Koch is dead. Good.”
Trump Is Reportedly Being a Raging Anti-
Semite«insert national/ethnic group here» Because He’s MadJews«insert national/ethnic group here» Don’t Like Him More
“Better 100 innocent people be executed than one guilty man be spared!”
Well, it’s bound to deter a lot of other innocent murderers.
Shut up, tomato.
Anyone want to join me for a team entry?
I find it telling that he stated “I cant buy Greenland” and not “we cant buy Greenland”
Shut up, tomato.
Wow.....so much to digest here.
Trump: “Wait a minute. No president has done what I’ve done.”
Chokeholds are banned by the NYPD
Yeah, I have to say that the past decade has made for some strange political bedfellows. Right now, the head of the Israeli government is more closely aligned with a guy who literally said that “very fine people” marched at a Neo-Nazi rally, than he is with people who are simply quoting hip hop lyrics while…
Trump was very disappointed to find that you can’t buy people anymore.
And the anti-Semitism was just the last stop on a wild fucking ride on the Trump train express! What a thread...