
There's something funny about you mentioning the troll brigade and them flooding your thread to prove your point.

a net zero emissions transportation system between $1.3 trillion and $2.7 trillion; a low-carbon electricity grid for $5.4 trillion; and “food security” for $1.5 billion.

Same old playbook:

These kids have valid points but you’re not going to get them across by ambushing someone. You have to go through the proper channels to be taken seriously.

“That resolution will not pass the Senate. And you can take that back to whoever sent you here.”

After a teenager pointed out that part of Feinstein’s duties were listening to her constituents, Feinstein asked how old she was. “I’m 16, I can’t vote,” she said.

Wouldn’t call him an arrogant douche. Just a guy who doesn’t give a shit about Carlson’s power and mocking him for just trying to steamroll the conversation.

Shit, if I got $250 million every time I acted like a total asshole, I’d be able to buy and sell every last motherfucker on this site...........See? That would have been $250 million right there!

He isn’t 100% pure. PURGE HIM.

Wow. It’s already bad enough when politicians have just a few donors that they’re beholden to for all that cash. Now Sanders already has 120,000 people he’s going to owe favors to. Sell-out shill.

Any system can fall apart with corruption and mismanagement. That the right wing talking point is that pursuit of PROFIT is somehow a guard against that is IN-FUCKING-SANE.

As somebody who lives in, you know, Canada, I never understand the American penchant to paint “Socialism” as a boogeyman.

Congrats to McCain on having finally lowered the bar enough. 

Huh. I expected worse.

Do Americans realise how weird the rest of the world finds it, when the US makes kids swear a pledge of allegiance, and all of the flag fetishising?

Further evidence that America’s profound divisions have less to do with “left v. right” than simple right or wrong.

Just so damn punchable!

Seeing as how Florida passed it with a whopping 70% this is doable present day in any state.*