
with a higher quantity of cookies per box.”

Interesting. I have gout but I started being allergic to fish, shellfish in particular, in my early 30's (around 30 years ago) so haven’t even been around shellfish since then. Beer is my super-power, but I only drink 1-2 a night and only on the weekend. But I do like the strong brown ales and stouts. All I can say is

I am wondering if there is any connection between gout and lower back disc issues. I have both. Been treated for gout (2 very painful episodes in my left ankle) and have 2 sets of discs fused along with one other herniated disc (L5) which produced severe pain in my right ankle & lower calf area. The reason I ask is

Heck. Wegmans has been the DC/Fairfax/Chantilly area for years! Now we have another in Centreville. Buy a car, man, buy a car!

Flavor! What a concept. How about everybody drink what they want any ole time of the year?  And I prefer beers with flavor. These days you have to drink something with over 7% ABV to get any flavor. Why is that? Years ago, I had to work for a while in Utah, where much to my surprise, in Salt Lake City, breweries like

I know of a McDonald’s where the ice cream machine always work. And I ain’t telling where it is. Mwa-ha-ha! 

Huh! Didn’t realize Joe Buck has in for Philly. Well, now I know he has at least 1 redeeming quality. (Ha! Unrepentent Nats fan here.)

And works fine on Chrome on a Windows 10 pc, although I do have 2 Ad Blockers going (with this site whitelisted). I also mute the site (well, I mute ALL sites.)

In Chrome, at least, you can right click on the tab and click on “Mute Site”. Do the same to unmute it. (I also have AdBlockPlus and uBlock, so am not sure if they figure in here, too. And, Yes, I have whitelisted all off the Kinja sites, including this one, although jalopnik still complains sometimes. Haven’t figured

The book “1984" assumed it would our governments that would take over control of information (and it has in police states like China, I think, and perhaps Russia). We never thought it would be the businesses that would lead the information-controllers of the 20th Century. As long as you play the game, you have to

Ever have to drive through a lane with what looks like a long bar, about a foot off the ground, on either side of the line, with a (usually white) van parked on the roadside? Those things are reading your license plates (or the van is, perhaps) or something like that. (That’s what I hear and I could be absolutely

That’s British for f* you, for all us non-Brits. 

When you sell your soul to the devil, the question isn’t whether he’ll come to collect, but rather when.

Sorry, yuck. DFH can produce this stuff but they can’t produce my Palo Santo Marron, anymore? Oh, the agony. /sniff. I am really going to miss the PSM. Really. That’s about the only good brown ale available in my area (DC Giant stores). They do make a crazy great World Wide Stout, but at 15-20% ABV, even I need to be

Well, the Nats have 17 different styles of uniforms (the exact number is classified!), just so uniform sales can skyrocket so baseball owners can make as much as absolutely possible. Other side notes:

And maybe decide what happens at the top of every page ONCE AND FOR ALL. Do other site pages get shown under each site or not? Or do advertisements happen or not? Who’s doing the dev work on this mess? Good grief. (or maybe Lucy is doing the QC work there.) 

Everytime I find a stout, or a brown ale, or wee heavy that I like, that brewery stops making it (or shipping it to our area, in the least, which isn’t much different in outcome).

Heck, I remember when Education was going to eliminate racism in the USA South. Turned out it was and is everywhere, along with misogyny. Seems like every country and every community has its favorite racism, and misogyny is damn near everywhere. If anything, it’s gotten worse. The amazing thing is everyone who is

Your article reminds me of Gregg Easterbrooks ESPN articles where he regularly lambasted NFL coaches on their lack of guts when it came to 4th down inside the opposing team’s half of the field.

Baseball is fine, although I am not a fan of the infield shifts. Then again, the outfield has been shifting for just as many years. I also wish they would go back to the pre-home run baseball, vice the one being used now with the small laces and perhaps the reason for the home run onslaught (or whatever is causing the