
Yup. “delivery is just too expensive, once you factor in the delivery fees, service fees, and tips,” . Pretty much says it all there. Why would I have something delivered when it would then cost nearly twice as much? I could just pick it up myself. Also, there are places that don’t add ridiculous charges, like

Or you could just dump Reddit and get an hour of your day back. (Or worse. Lol)

I definitely agree with setting up the college fund as early as possible. In VA, you can set up a savings program where the sooner you can start it, the lower the payments are. There are also “529” mutual funds which always seemed too risky to me. We put our twins (oof) through school via the VA 529 program. Also, I

Isn’t there some speculation that the “return trip from Mars “ is going to be defunded by Congress since it’s so expensive so that money could be spent on other NASA projects?

Ford Thunderbird went from this (‘59 - I had a ‘67):

I doubt she even knew it was being made until it was completed and her name slapped on it. 

Over 50 years, I have had between 7 - 9 careers become obsolete. (List below). Some are more obsolete than others. I think that’s just the way things are these days. I am now retired and no longer have to race with those rats. Good Luck to all and be flexible and smart.

Even re-ordering checks is a PITA now. Most of those companies have gone out of business due to lack of business. I can’t remember the last time I used a check. 

Did lag and disconnects become a thing again? That used to be a real problem in D3, but they made a change so that a disconnect would simply send you back to the local town. I am not sure they ever did anything about the lag issue. (Not sure they could.) I lost a few HC characters to disconnects back in early D3.

Software Devs don’t necessarily need a degree. They do need certs or proven capabilities that can be gained through sites like , a legit learning site that is quite complete and no easy. Web site devs have been in demand for at least 20 years and are still least filled job at

If your route is close to an Amtrak route, take the train! If you are traveling on the East Coast of the US, I-95 is just painful. Take the train and put your feet up, unlike the cattle cars of the skies. (Yes, the US passenger train system sux. The food is awful. Bring your own. And it doesn’t go to all major US

And good luck getting Long Term Healthcare to pay out a nickel. My parents were both bedridden for the last 5 years of their lives and LTC wouldn’t allow them into a nursing home. My dad paid into a LTC account for them both for 30 years and got $0.00 dollars back.

Where did this idea of a “host” come from? I haven’t seen a “host” actually contribute anything to a program, other than Noel Fielding, who we all are just waiting to show up in drag or something wacko. 

And their beer is nearly as good as you can find at a 7-11. With all the great beer being brewed all over the nation, you would think 1 or 2 of the craft brews would make it onto the menu. And you would be wrong.

True enough. I should have added that I live on the western edge of Fairfax County where it’s all chains. We still need more good restaurants out here. Every restaurant is packed on the weekend. The only ones that fail are the mismanaged ones, like Ruby Tuesday. 

Interesting (to me) that only 2 of the fast food brands (Wendy’s and Chic-Fil-A) are in the DC metropolitan area (that I know of, since I live in that area). The DC area is oddly starved for decent restaurants. Only the truly poorly run restaurants ever shut down (even in the pandemic), like Ruby Tuesday (whose food I

The Ford Expedition -- They still make them. I haven’t seen one on the road in forever.

Giving “Elrond Hubbard - Elven Scientologist” an upvote just for the great userid.

It’s so great that they knock you out now. The up-all-night-on-the-toilet is no fun, but so it goes. (ahem..old fart reminising now..) My first colonoscopy, in 1988, was just a doctor with one of those wiggly thingies, some vaseline, and a nurse. Totally awake and felt like I had been punched in the gut repeatedly,

“Always-online requirements” is a dead horse. Move on.