Ugh. Hate those snifters. I feel like I am being shorted. Full price, teeny tiny glass. Pints forever! (imho)
Ugh. Hate those snifters. I feel like I am being shorted. Full price, teeny tiny glass. Pints forever! (imho)
FreeCodeCamp is great for beginners. It is also quite extensive. FreeCodeCamp also says (I do not know if it’s true.) that people that make it to the end of the program usually are offered jobs as they have shown the ability to do the projects.
Please let me add “bespoke” to the list. Use “custom”. Thank you very much. On the other hand, these words are great ways to learn who to avoid.
Riding the train is so much better than driving long distances in the East Coast USA. It’s not cheap and you will probably need to rent a car when you get to your destination, but it’s so much more relaxing and the seats are so much more comfortable than the flying or driving.
I would love to see a Hyperion in any form. I do think it’s too wide and too deep for any movie and maybe for a TV mini-series (maybe with multiple seasons it might work). Heck, nobody can even agree what the Shrike looks like, as he seems to be able to change at will. The David Brin Uplift series might make a better…
One thing people have a very hard time realizing is how little decent stuff was coming out on SF&F back then, compared to now. Firefly was one of the few that was watchable, with any sort of character building. Compared to the shows out now, maybe not so much better. Compared to then, it was so much better than most…
Freaking blew that hair UP with signing Richie Incognito. (From a duly chagrined Chiefs fan. I am so addicted. So sad.)
That is a great description of my home state. And most of the reasons I left as soon as I could. The other reason was the weather. It was always either too freaking COLD or too freaking HOT. Then again, the reds (who USED to be anti-communist when I was growing up in the 50's and 60's. How did that get reversed?) are…
That is one of the funniest articles I have EVER read. And I am a Chiefs fan. It’s all true.
So, why do people even try to play on high-population servers? There are so many low to middle pop. servers. Of course, if you were one of the first into what is now a high-pop. server, that sucks. Still, good lesson for everyone else. Try to go to the low-pop. servers. I have been playing since Monday and haven’t…
You’re right, and then again, you are not right. The sports channels make a whole lot more than they are paying the highest grossing sports. The sports channels are cheerfully paying the sports a small portion of what they are making from advertising. So, who’s paying who and why are ESPN and the other sports channels…
Reporters, especially ESPN reporters, lost most of their credibility long ago. Nowadays they are just shills for whatever sport they are covering, because that’s the way their stations, highly paid by those sports, want it.
I do remember the start of Pandaria. I logged in the first day just to see how it was going. The first quest giver has a SEA of brown around him. All you could was the big yellow “?” for the quest. There must have been a gazillion pandas around him. It was impossible to actually click on quest and a gazillion+ pandas…
After the last big strike, it is often said that Cal Ripken and the Streak saved the game, much like Babe Ruth did in his time. There is nothing wrong with baseball, period. People want to see great players, players that enjoy the game AS A GAME (not this “I did my job” thing) and good baseball. All the rest is just…
Robo Strike Calling cannot come soon enough. The success rate of MLB plate umpires runs around 80%. !!!! Only Weather forecasters get paid for worse success. For that matter, if we want to go REALLY CRAZY, see Rule #9 of Ultimate Frisbee: “Self-Officiating: Players are responsible for their own foul and line calls.…
I feel like a near majority of those “nicknames” were made up by the players themselves at the time of being asked what nickname they wanted. A lot of ugly nicknames out there.
I hate beards. Mostly, because they itch. And mostly because I only ever grew one when I was too lazy to shave. And my daughter always want to tug my mustache. So, those guys with bears are too lazy to shave. (And stay away from my daughter unless you are an All-Star.)
I think it’s just that the author has never actually had sweat appear on his body, much less in his hair. Hence, the conspiracy. Nor has he ever spit on his hands, then wiped them dry to get a better feel, on anything. Keyboards do not need this sort of treatment. That said, I don’t think there is a “wet” guy on the…
Nearly all of the 5 companies I worked for in the last 20 years have “lost” my personal info to a “lost pc in a contractor’s front seat” (or some variation thereof) that I now assume that every hacker in the world has my emails, address, etc. Now passwords are another matter and I completely work to keep them hard to…
You know, this is not a new thing. I got a “most improved” trophy in 1963 (which I kept for many years before I actually won another trophy). Omg, that was a long, long time ago.