
I think (read: am guessing) it’s because they know no one looks at the pump screens while filling up. Or if they do, it’s to find the mute button, which is a bit funny that it’s there. I just want to get my gas and go. Why spend money on stuff no one will stop to watch? It’s almost creepy that they put those ads there

So they are easier to find when they are on the bottom? [Of shallow water, at least. I guess the red color actually fades out from our normal vision under non-artifically lit conditions as the sunlight can’t get to the lower regions. I learned this from an episode of Stargate, of course.)

Japan is weird. Being cute is a big thing there. I am not a big fan of “cute”. 

OpenTable is a mess. According to OpenTable, a restaurant we wanted to go to in Baltimore had all tables full (at the time we wanted) for the next 3 months. We called, got a reservation, and ate a great meal in a nearly empty restaurant. (We told them about the OpenTable weirdness.)

And to reply to my own self, as that is how silly this is, I worked for 4 companies in the last 10 years before retiring and every single one of them has since sent me a “sorry, not sorry letter” telling me how a laptop was stolen out of an HR employee’s car and here’s a lovely 1-year membership in whatever latest

Pretty much. The only people who DON’T have all my data are the half-asses hackers that haven’t graduated yet from script kiddie programming boot camps.

I live in DC and I have never, ever seen a drive-through long enough to bother traffic, mostly because fast food places with drive-thrus seem to have though of that ahead of time and actually got enough room to do that sort of thing. Maybe land is harder to come by in the Land of the Lakes.

Also, with many of the same options, Community Rec Centers are all over the East Coast and are very reasonably priced. Here’s the price list for one in Virginia. Pretty reasonable. The more visits you pay for up front, the less each visit costs. I was surprised that they have nearly the same equipment that the fitness

On the East Coast (US) in the Giant grocery stores, we get DogFish Head, of which my favorite is the Palo Santo Marron, a nice brown ale (~12%abv, I think). Side story, they also have a World Wide Stout in their restaurants, which comes in at around 18%-20% abv. I mis-read the menu, and mis-heard the waitress, who I

Some time ago, I saw a documentary on life in Siberia. A couple with a new baby had chunks of frozen milk on their back porch, which they would then knock off a smaller chunk, put it in a pan on the stove and melt down for the baby. No bags, No cartons, no nothing but big (like watermelon size) chunks of milk. And I

Me, too, so I know which ones to uninstall. Jeez, so unnecessary. 

And yet, baseball stadiums are full and all the games are broadcast locally. (I don’t think any baseball games are blacked out locally on the local TV stations.) Baseball is fine, although I do agree that ticket prices are way out of line. It doesn’t need to get any bigger to line billionaire owner or

The movie, “Jeremiah Johnson”, is supposedly based on the book, “The Mountain Men”. I have read the book and seen the movie. Both are awesome.

And the movie, “Jeremiah Johnson”, is supposedly based on the book, “The Mountain Men”. I have seen the movie and read the book.. Both are awesome.

Well, to be fair, these ships have bow thrusters for manoeuvring that are so good that they probably could have docked the ship without the tugs. The tugs are probably required by the local law. (Just guessing.) Their radar probably told them their postition by GPS to the centimeter.  Still possible to have accidents,

Indeed, the “feed the developers” is probably and usually the correct answer. Why pay a developer (or artist) who tells you that “my considered opinion is that you shouldn’t change anything”? In fact, I would feel comfy claiming that is the reason for most software changes (that don’t involve speed, usability, u/x,

Well, trying to explain in 10 words or less the religious part of a philosophy is probably impossible, but there are good reasons (and philosophical basis, of a sort, in Tibetan Buddhism) for what he is saying. And the Dalai Lama is purposely, as is his right and responsibility, “making it up as he goes”, since there

I am guessing someone “cut-and-pasted” a CSS Grid for rows that had an unknown typo (or the extra rows that were originally or supposed to be commented out or something). Just my amateur’s guess, really. Still, with 2 of my favorite topics (food and travel) from one of my favorite journalistas, I was very much happy

When the article mentioned Venice, I assumed it meant Venice, Italy. So, I can relate to being unable to relate. You sound like a (and I am a) Buddhist that happens to be a Westerner, that also happens to have few (to no) friends, mental issues that feel simply okay if everyone else could just cope with me as I have

Actually, I couldn’t wait and found it so I could watch it. Thank you very much.