Peyote Coyote

1. White Blood Cells
2. Elephant
3. Get Behind Me Satan
4. The White Stripes
5. Blunderbuss
6. Icky Thump
7. Consolers of the Lonely
8. De Stijl
9. Horehound
10. Broken Boy Soldiers
11. Sea of Cowards
12. Lazaretto

Holy shit, I can't believe American Football came out in '99 and didn't get a mention here. It did just get that reissue, though, maybe that's why. And I think Botch got mentioned last month, so there's that.

That's hilarious but probably not in the way Green intended.

I like this idea, but even in a universe as bizarre as Hannibal's, I can't see the FBI putting someone like Will in a position of power and influence like that - at least not anytime soon.

But the show never tells us they're dead. The characters might say it, but obviously you can't trust what a character says. I don't think you can consider a character actually dead unless you have full-on proof. The only case of the show subverting this might be with Freddy, but with her pretty much everyone knew that

I'm still very, very excited for this movie, even though this trailer is not great.

Actually, it's 30+ years old, as I understand it.

For what it's worth, just to counteract all the negative comments about this album: I like it quite a bit. It's weirdly relaxing.

Hey now, Brand New released two of the best albums of the past 20 years and Thrice are great too. Norma Jean are still pretty cool, despite their earlier stuff being kinda Botch-ripoff-ish, and Fall Out Boy is just fun pop-punk (well, at least until recently) with a lot of nostalgia attached. I don't care for Coheed

I still like it a lot. I'm a sucker for the slick production on this one, and the hooks are great.

I don't think it's quite as good as Attack, but I like it a lot. I've only listened to it once though. Attack was a grower (at least for me, aside from "Stay Useless" and "Fall In," which I loved right away), I think this will be too.

I've only heard their new album, but it's killer. "Red Eyes" may be a good track to hit up first (I think it was a single, too).

And does anyone else find it ironic that a band that bases its whole genre on a very old text is called "The Newsboys"?

mewithoutYou is pretty good.

Cloud Nothings! (next week I think)

Lots of great stuff this year so far, but top five for me so far is probably like Modern Baseball, Perfect Pussy, Marissa Nadler, St. Vincent, and then maybe this.

Does anyone else hear Bob Dylan? Cause I kinda hear Bob Dylan.

Obviously just my opinion, but this album is probably one of the three or four best things to come out so far this year. It's an A- at the worst, and would probably be a solid A if "VII" and the last two minutes or so of "Advance Upon the Real" were cut out. As it is, it's not much of a detriment.

If you haven't listened to this one, I'd give it a shot at the least. It's not as catchy as the demo, but the songwriting is better imo.

I saw them a couple of months ago and they were excellent. So there's that. (Also, they only have a total of 12 songs and they're all short, so of course their sets aren't going to be long. Anyone going to one of their shows knows that.)