Peyote Coyote


Thurston Moore is a dick but good at his job! Jezebel is morally right but bad at theirs! Who wins?!

Definitely an A

As in, films I thought were great that came out in 2013 and were generally overlooked in the awards running? Upstream Color, Frances Ha, Inside Llewyn Davis, Before Midnight (those four and Her are my top 5 of the year), The Kings of Summer, Fruitvale Station, Drinking Buddies, Prince Avalanche, Mud, Catching Fire,

No way is Computer Chess more original than Upstream Color.

Didn't see DBC
Didn't see A:OC

One of the best things that Gravity did was making me like Sandra Bullock again after the horrible, awful junk that was The Blind Side.

Solid B+

New hit rom-com starring Keri Russell and Matthew Rhys?

I have a total man-crush on Ryan Gosling. And Dane DeHaan, to an extent.

I was already crying but when LeVar Burton showed up I started bawling/laughing hysterically.

Also as a teen, this is spot on.

Oh man, I'm so excited for Whiplash. It sounds right up my alley.


This whole list is awesome, but (specifically what made me click on the article) that Brave Bird album in the pic up top is super great and super underrated.

*Brad Pitt stares into your soul*

He was actually the 6th most interesting character. Louis CK never got to finish his ice fishing story.


I posted this in the other thread, but here's my top 30.