Peyote Coyote

I loved both Drinking Buddies and Happy Christmas. The only one of his earlier movies I've seen is Marriage Material, which I wasn't crazy about but think I'd like better if I rewatched it.

Snowing ruled so much. The full-length is good, but Fuck Your Emotional Bullshit is one of my favorite releases of all time.

This album is so dang good

I'll (again) be the person to post something sincere on an article about an emo band and say that this song is great, their new album is great, they're a fun live band and they seem like cool and nice people from my brief experience with them.

I don't think you know what emo is

A loose top 15 for me (really not in much order):

I was really excited for the Alcest record after "Opale," which is still a great song, but the rest of the album is underwhelming. Among other disappointing stuff for me so far has been Jack White, Mastodon, Cynic, Foster the People (not that I really expected it to me good, but I did like Torches at the time),

Exactly. It's like the same thing as saying it's "pretentious." It's a valid criticism, technically, if the critic knows what the author's intent is… but I doubt any of the people complaining know the exact intent.

I'm pretty sure that's what "not well read" means. Either way, you're implying that a viewer has to be ignorant about fiction, literature, etc. to enjoy this show, which is 1) insulting and 2) definitely untrue of pretty much everyone who comments on this site.

I think the problem is that most people came to that conclusion before they even watched the show.

They explained lengthily once (at the beginning of the episode, no less), and perhaps more throughout the episode, that it was a fundraiser for a new library. Because those things do exist, you know.

Well, lots of people seem to watch it because they, you know, actually like it. Not everyone has to hate things you hate.

Seriously, I know people who do this kind of stuff, and who I could imagine doing this kind of stuff (and I graduated high school a few months ago, so I have some perspective). Plus, lots of teenagers are already pretty nihilistic, and considering they're at pretty much the most emotionally fragile age and recently

Wow, saying "everyone who likes this show must be uneducated" sure is a great way to make friends!

Or, alternately, people saying "WUT, I understand this show TOO MUCH, that makes it SO BORING LOL." Like, good for you, you understood what the filmmakers (showmakers?) were trying to get across. Good job.

I liked it too. I do think it's probably the weakest of the series so far, but I also think the other 3 episodes have all been great, and this one was just very good. I really don't get the hate for this show.

Seriously, I couldn't even finish this season of the Walking Dead, just awful stuff. I've been a defender of the show for a long time but it just lost me this season.

I actually quite like "Fancy" (which, as other people have pointed out, is Iggy Azalia and Charlie XCX), but Iggy Azalia seems like a terrible person.

Oh no! There might be other, interesting parts of his life besides the ones where he was famous! How can that be possible?!

These guys know their way around a music video. "Rory" was amazing and so is this.