
december 10th is not long enough time to shoot what I want to shoot. this will take a lot of planing.

Thanks! I'll check it out.

I'm not one of those Pixel Peeper's, but these images look like they were shot with a camera phone. They're dull, soft and washed out.

What are you ? His boss?

I think you need to be on wi-fi. when i connected, it updated.

I think the Grasshopper should have won.

I don't know...I kinda like the black and silver one.

Pretty cool stuff. But all I heard was 'blah blah blah blah'

I just threw up in my mouth

I think it's ugly as sin. It's blurry and looks incredibly dated. I can't see what the fuss is about.

Thank fuck for headphones.


I remember being given a small 7" record player by one of my Dad's friends from work along with a load of records. One of which was Laurie Anderson's O Superman. That record used to terrify me. But I listened to it all the time. I was only 5.

it'd be great if you could make it the default maps app that opens with clicked links.

All of them should be arrested and thrown in Jail for wasting Tax Payers money. I will not tolerate wasting tax payers money during this bad economy.

Nice sentiment, but I did throw up in my mouth a little bit.

I was rather excited until the 16gb max bit

It'd be cool if each photo was accompanied by a link to the photographers website / flickr etc.

My favorite part was 0.15

Um....does it make phone calls too?