
All of them should be arrested and thrown in Jail for wasting Tax Payers money. I will not tolerate wasting tax payers money during this bad economy.

Nice sentiment, but I did throw up in my mouth a little bit.

I was rather excited until the 16gb max bit

It'd be cool if each photo was accompanied by a link to the photographers website / flickr etc.

My favorite part was 0.15

Um....does it make phone calls too?

Where do I stand when I want to leave my carrier because the service is simply shit? If I could be more precise, I'm talking about 3G with Sprint on my iPhone and how it doesn't work like it's advertised. I have numerous screen shots of the terrible speeds I receive throughout NY. Am I being Naive in thinking this

I did like the way DC looked utterly pi$$ed when they shot the shit out of his car.


This is so so sad. I feel so helpless

The same reason why the electoral vote doesn't represent the population of each state accurately. Well not for the last 100 years anyway.

I'm in Prospect Heights. High on a hill with a lonely goat


That. Was bloody amazing

Awesome. My next vacation!

Where was this picture taken.? I want to be there.



Do you have any idea how distracting that gif is while trying to read the article?