Quit Bitchin? Don't be dick. My complaint is a legitimate one. I pay for a service and I get shit.
Quit Bitchin? Don't be dick. My complaint is a legitimate one. I pay for a service and I get shit.
Had I known, prior to my upgrade that things would be in this state, I would have jumped ship and happily paid the difference to another carrier. I know others cap their data and charge more but Sprint can't cap theirs because it's near impossible to use up a significant amount anyway. Now I'm stuck in another 2…
This really pisses me off. The 3G network in New York, since the release of the iphone is utterly utterly abysmal. I mean, seriously fucking bad. I subscribe to Spotify and a whole host of other services and I can't use any of them sufficiently because Sprint's 3G speeds are so bad that if I connected my phone to a…
I think the fact that your significant other sees black text bubbles is a sure giveaway. What a stupid app.
This isn't a story
'We're making this change for security purposes — namely to enhance your security as a user on our sites. By tying your commenting account to a Twitter, Facebook, or Google account, we're putting our account security layer in the hands of some of the best in the business'
alterior motive
Surely it has a LOT to do with the lenses too? What lenses were used? What aperture was used in the low light test
i use toothpaste
This story appears on NYPOST and FOXNEWS as headline stories.....and Gizmodo.
Wow, pixelated people sitting in their chairs!
I also read this wrong initially and thought 'yay, i can just subscribe to HBO and that's it'
Nikon or Canon?
haha, you know what I mean
Adaptive wide angle correction. Does this mean, I might not have to buy a $2000 tilt shift lens for shooting architecture?
Is this the same for hair receding towards the front of the head?
absolutely amazing. never before has someone transformed anything so smutty in to something so stylish. i want the tshirt
Is that girl yawning, or is there a wee fella down there giving a tongue twister?