Autonomy over one’s own body is a right.
Autonomy over one’s own body is a right.
Feminism is about equality through legal rights and changing outdated cultural attitudes. When you try to take away other women’s rights, you aren’t a feminist.
Call me old fashioned but if a woman flies, that means she’s a witch and must be cast out from the village before she can do harm to the fall harvest.
What is it about the actions of the Democratic Party over the last 20 years that makes you think they’re capable of grand plans?
Hey Look, we found the triggered Red party republican! Quick, let’s make a safe space for them.
President Obama has designated 1.65 million acres in Southwestern Utah and Nevada as National Monuments, protecting the land from private development and granting the federal government broad control to protect it. The new monument includes Bears Ears Buttes in Utah, and Gold Butte near Las Vegas.
I for one support sending Trump to the moon.
We have decided to stop going with Trickle Down Economics and replace it with Evaporate Up Economics. This should help unburden you poors further of the hassle of handling money. You’re welcome.
All of those bad puns just flank the issue.
oh, well done!
Be careful mentioning skirt steaks to him, though, he might grab it by the rib eye.
He prefers to skirt the issue. A real round about way to chuck an idea into the brisket.
since he cant sell burgers at his restaurant and can’t sell his steaks at sharper image, he has to take his beef to twitter.
OK.. this is NOT Comcast.. it’s a subcontractor with the comcast logo on the side - jeez.
I have a theory that to stop outsourcing of jobs, Trump’s plan is to make the U.S. a third world country, thereby making it cheaper to keep labor here.
No thanks, I’d prefer to watch him hang himself.
A baby-fever, huh? Tell him to stick a baby aspirin between his knees. That always seems to do the trick, or so I’ve heard.
If only trump supporters feel comfortable having kids, we’ll be fucked in 18-22 years. Although who knows if we’ll have access to birth control anyway.
Yea. My guess is that the cost of the cheapest ticket will remain the same and the cost of all of the others will be increased.