
I’d like a poll to see how many women have had men grope at their crotch, ass or chest. Pretty sure it’d be near 100%.

“Trump has since responded by blaming Bill Clinton.”

Livers are a hoax perpetrated by the liberal media. How can something like alcohol which makes me forget so much be so bad?


I prefer Cityburg.

Palin wasn’t half as ridiculous as him, and remember how she was treated?

I guess you really do learn something new every day

Give him a break -- he only just started Rumspringa and hasn’t had time to shop!

If Brad Pitt wants the public to ignore his divorce he should have Terrence Malick direct it.


(With apologies) 🎶I can see your face without that ‘do! And I like it🎶

Hailee looks like LeAnn Rimes younger brunette sister in that photo.

There are Muslims being shot and beaten on the street and hate crimes have risen, to say it is not so bad is ignoring what is really happening. Most people do not know that Trump is clown, the polls at the moment are very close and Clinton should be leading by a larger margin.

Oh — Emirjeta Xhelili? Of the Mayflower Xhelilis?

Disneyland: The Bitterest Place On Earth

Aw man, there goes my weekend plans.

Wouldn’t enormous billboards make their heads look normal sized?

Boo, I thought it was going to be Gwen and Blake. Way to get my hopes up, Finger.