There is nothing funny about the real Donald Trump, a raisin company mascot channelling the spirit of an internet…
There is nothing funny about the real Donald Trump, a raisin company mascot channelling the spirit of an internet…
This poem is always worth posting; “Rape Joke” by Patricia Lockwood.
Can we talk about how fast kids grow and how alarming it can be?
I live in NZ, and can highly recommend it. Christmas time is summer/high season, but a nice time to come. You can hostel or camper van around for a good price.
That short commute is going to have you doing backflips of joy within three working days. Even if you can’t do backflips. You are going to LOVE IT!
It's a pretty big clue that he isn't the guy with a similar name they have in their computer system, though.
NBC= No Black Champions?
This is terrible, shitty advice with those “hints” and you’ve probably never been on the receiving end of those kind of “hints”. They’re just cruel and won’t prepare or help at all. Dr Nerdlove is right- a clean break is best.
Laché Away
Seems a little weird/creepy to me.
Unrelated/related: this comment reminds me of the new milk slogan “Milk Life,” a slogan which I find both vaguely disturbing and hilarious from my internal 12-year old’s perspective.
I agree - Tasmania maybe but WA?
When I was working at my college newspaper, the college Republicans advertised in the classified section trying to recruit phone-bankers. It was a very casual work environment, which they emphasized: “Come in your jeans!”
He can’t help it, he’s a ginger and therefore lacks a soul
Donald Trump: So full of shit, he makes the NFL look like a credible organization.
This quote from Neil Gaiman about political correctness has stuck with me:
For the first time in history, white men have to occasionally, just a tiny bit, think before they speak and be questioned about their words and beliefs. This is the “political correctness” everyone is whining about. How dare people that they’ve always been able to oppress, insult, laugh at, or dismiss demand respect…
uh we all know that bilbo is wearing the ring of power in that picture