
I would seriously have to rear end any car in front of me with that plate.

I hate those people. Also, Doofuses (Doofi?), the operative word is is “choose”.


People, please start believing that health care IS the miracle God sent you.

“With a pair of scissors and a long weekend, you can turn any Bible into a book fit for a Christian home.” - Ms. Betty Bowers

Bonus if the two languages are speaking English and “in tongues”

“Her: godly, gorgeous, athletic, educated, careered, humorous, travelled, bilingual, 26-year-old virgin. You: unworthy, though becoming less so daily.”

I bid two goats and an acre of farmland of a goodly soil.

At least he is talking to an unbiased source about the matter.

I feel like I’m from Portland. Like, emotionally.
But, no, I’ve never actually been there.

Has anyone seen the documentary Private Violence? About domestic violence....I want to curl up in a fetal position and throw up right now. Sorry to be a downer tonight but they show pics of a woman who was black and blue, swollen, head to toe, beaten for FOUR days, and they were talking about how it might not be

Exactly. An abortion-free society would be great. One where no woman is ever pregnant without planning because she is educated and has easy access to multiple forms of birth control. One where rape never happens. One where we have advance medically so no child is ever conceived with a medical condition that cannot be

“When I was in school, everyone called me Ann Cooder. It was only years later that I found out that was a term for a bagina. I think it is wrong for people to know what a bagina is so I am going to defund everything I can to prevent little girls from learning about baginas.”

Was hoping for ‘kabloom’

I really think people should stop criticizing Sam Smith for what was a simple and understandable slip of the tongue. And I can say that with a little bit of gravitas as the first openly gay man on the internet.

Some Think I went 2far
On Trump/Hitler Twt,But
He quotes Fascist Mussolini & won’t Disavow David Duke & KU KLUX KLAN.HES

The Ti-panic.

“Lots of people tell me I smell good. You wouldn’t know them, they live in Canada.”

Jesus Christ, yes. Fucking nobody gets educated about what hymens actually are.