
Those pickles are cool because their mascot is a stork, which is the universal symbol of having an unwanted baby because your Christian pharmacist wouldn’t sell you your birth control and your shithole state only has one abortion clinic left.

::the cries of a thousand whiny MRA man babies come together in unison::

Just want to state this. "People should not have children if they cannot afford them!" Well, as a small business owner-"Business should not have EMPLOYEES if they cannot afford them." That means you should provide a decent salary, health benefits and paid time off, especially for family/medical related issues.

Cops HATE Her! Baltimore Prosecutor Holds People Responsible for Killing a Guy With This One Weird Trick.

Belinda doesn’t sound tough or determined. Poor Belinda...if only this poster was around on her prom night! #prayersforBelinda

Yeah. Lol I wonder what the male equivalent poster words would be, probably something like:

Dude looks like a bad John Travolta cosplayer.

I’m like WTF, mate?

My husband’s best friend had a pet chinchilla who apparently chewed off its own leg. Friend didn’t notice for three weeks, until at a routine vet checkup the doctor looked up at him and said, “Um...”


“Oh sorry, not tonight, I’m tired”

Heeey Jezzies,

It’s not like there’s already a feminine version of the word “hero” - they had to invent one!

One of my former co-workers would always say “sheroes” and it made me cringe so hard. I mean, yes, we worked at a women’s shelter, but adding an extra ‘s’ to the word doesn’t make you any more feminist, it just sounds stupid. Though in general, the people I worked with made a big show of supporting their fellow women,

Or Heroines which is a nice word to say.

Right?!!! UGH.

one of six “sheroes”

Now playing

Frank Myers’ story...all I could think of was this: