
This game has been hyped to high hell by PC and RPG elitists. Im skeptical at this point but Im still throwing down my dollar with high hopes.

NSFW? Exposed power buttons! And you can see right through her chassis

I loled

While I get the gist of your argument. Oil was most assuredly NOT the only reason for attacking Iraq.

I almost never beat games on my first play. I will literally play them to the last chapter, put the game down for a couple months to a year, then come back and finish that last chapter.

Kinect has some great potential. I STILL believe that after having owned one for some time now and not using it at all.

Maybe its the art direction, maybe I havnt seen the right shots, but the witcher never really impressed me with its visuals.

gotta love fake "insert nationality" chicks

*Picks up chip that fell off your should. Eats it. Its delicious*

While I agree the math is wrong and the wall street protests might not be the best method here, just because its "normal" and has "always been that way" does not make it right.

As long as its no more than 3 days old. You never want to reheat it though, it just wont taste the same.

Who likes cold rebar?

Personal anectdote time...

yes because the only impediment to wealth is laziness. its all luck of the the draw my friend

Republicans will do anything to try and point the finger for the banking crisis at average US citizens. The perverse blame the victim mentality is ridiculous.

....yes....yes they should...

However, you cant get out of a locked chain. If you were in an emergency situation you would be screwed.

I would like a nice display, that has decent resolution, decent refresh rate, and IS NOT backlit. I would use it for work. My eyes are dying staring at a LCD screen for 10 hour stretches every day.

Heres the breakdown nerds: