
As an employee of a Massachusetts call center, I can say we have an opposite paradigm. Whenever the Canadian call label shows up on the phones we feel a knot of dread, as there are a high percentage of b*tshit crazy, emotional, and rude Canadians who typically call us.

So yeah, I really liked the show. Of course I havnt seen season 2 because Im waiting for it to pop up on netflix. Glad to see so many people defending it.

Metro 2033 is in my top five favorite games this generation. I liked it even better than Deus Ex. And I liked Deus Ex.

Probably. But impossible to prove as far as I know.

Yes but there is a clear distinction with an MMO in that is a subscription service. Are they making money on the software sales? Sure. But the bread and butter of their business model is the monthly subscription that your paying. You can bet if all their money was made on software sales you sure as heck wouldn't be

I think that's what needs to be defined to really put the argument to rest. Are we buying a license to use the material however we see fit? Or are we buying a single copy of an actual product?

You might be right about that. But we cant argue intentions. Its impossible to verify.

Usage doesnt matter. Your absolutely right he probably would not use both copies of his game concurrently, but that doesnt mean he couldnt still have two copies. I had two copies of Mario 64. Kinda pointless yeah but I did.

The metaphor doesnt work there because the software companies threw a wrench into the system. "Three installs" is an arbitrary number made up by said companies.

If you think about it in terms of copies, thats not true. If there was no access to the pirated material and he wanted two copies, he would need to purchase another copy.

I actually stopped playing when they introduced this. Its still fun, but I hate player run servers. And I was pissed that I had to download that mega-update. I think it was around a gig if I recall. And I have a puny hard drive, so it has displaced other things that I actually use.

Well, hollywood actors/artists seem to be doing just fine anyway.

You picked up on my little joke there, hehe. Good good.

No. Youre buying a copy of a game. You have one copy. If you bought car, would you then go and steal another car but its ok as long as its same model? Would you buy a handbag, but then steal the next one as its ok because you already bought one handbag?

Its cool. As many commenters have pointed out here, there are many ways to twist this story so its actually the US thats the bad guy.

In my opinion Indoctrination Theory is entirely a player run idea. Now I havnt done tons of research into this but from what I know Bioware intended that we take the ending at face value.

I dont think this is so much a technical problem as a "whos gonna pay the money" problem.

Lol your tone is abrasive but your message received

Lot of haters here. I laughed.

I agree disabled doesnt mean ugly. And I apologize for calling you a dude.