
Duurrrr this post sounds like a subtle attempt to whip up fan boy frenzy.

Completely agree on the Fallout/New Vegas thing.

OK so maybe "most anticipated" is over the top, but Id still hit that.

I hear what your saying, but I still think youve got to be responsible company-wide. Whether that lawyers or developers, this just looks bad for the whole company. People wont make that distinction unfortunately.

dad at 3:00 is about to smack a b*tch

Bethesda really effed up this one. Sooo super disappointed in Bethesda, thought they are still my favorite developer.

My favorite all-time manual came with Ultima Online. It was a small book, and it was chock full of info (even though there was no way it could cover everything). I still keep my copy around and look at it from time to time if I want to walk down nostalgia lane.

Alot of people think we cant get any better with graphics...people have said the same thing for as long there have been games.

I dont see the actual similarities but the first think I thought of was "Dustbowl" for "Sandpit". Just free association with words though.

You do raise a good point there. I havnt been a PC gamer in a long time though so I personally havnt had that experience.

Great point.

We (gamers) are all so spoiled these days. Rage is a good, solid game thats better than 90% of the schlock that comes out these days. Its got beautiful layouts and designs, awesome animations, fun mechanics. You can tell people put in a solid effort, and that talented people worked hard on this. And all people do is

Not really. The option to sue needs to be there to protect people... but no one really needs to be "protected" from making a bad purchase on a luxury item.

I LOVE scifi/fantasy strategic card games. I found this little nifty game in Rage just the other night and Im scouring the net looking for anyone thinking of making a real-life version. Its probably way to early but I would be PSYCHED to own a physical version of this card game.

I didn't cry like a little b*&^$%. But I did feel a stirring of emotions, somewhere far beneath the steel beams and broken whiskey bottles that is my soul, my hairy man-soul.

Kinda makes you think... if we feel so entitled here that we can start a class action lawsuit over VIDEO GAMES? I understand some class action suits are legit, most of them seem like ridiculous money grabs.

Well I agree about the JRPGs. They are more character and story oriented in general.

While I agree with most of what you said, I take massive umbrage (pretty sweet eh?) that Oblivion is the "consolization" of the RPG genre. First off, there were MANY RPGs on consoles before Oblivion (mostly eastern though).

Must Buy:

Why dont we just keep it separate? Mature games for adults, kids games for kids.